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Are the Morlocks paying the price... for my ambition?


Appearing in "Underbelly"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Morlocks (Main story and flashback)
    • Several unnamed members

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Underbelly"

Following the previous issue, Colossus clutches Callisto's injured body as she arrives at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters for help. Too injured to tell them what happened, she has Xavier read her mind, and he psychically links the X-Men with him as they learn that following Masque's death in X-Force, the Morlocks have become savage and twisted, demanding vengeance on Callisto for abandoning them. She fought them off with the help of Healer, but both were forced to retreat for help due to their injuries. As they learn this, Colossus's brother Mikhail enters the room and instantly piggybacks off of Colossus' mind link and learns all this as well, much to Xavier's suspicion. Mikhail sympathizes with Callisto.

As Warren blames the X-Men and Storm specifically for the plight of the Morlocks, reminding Storm that the events of the mutant massacre was what caused him to lose his wings, Healer crawls over to Callisto and uses the last of his life to save hers.

Steven Lang goes to meet with the Friends of Humanity group at a nursing home.

The mutants then go into the Morlock sewers to deal with them, but are attacked by the horde of savage Morlocks. Callisto, Bobby and Mikhail remain at the mansion, much to Callisto's disapproval. Mikhail demands that Bobby let her go after the Morlocks. As the X-Men fight off the Morlocks, Storm is mobbed and is forced to fly into the sky to seek freedom, taking many of the Morlocks up with her to the surface world.

See Also

Links and References

