Marvel Database
Marvel Database

First Johnny flies away, and then Quicksilver runs off. Rogers asked me to quarterback this squad. Would they treat him like this? Is it 'cause I'm a woman?

Wade Wilson (Earth-616) from X-Men Battle of the Atom Vol 1 1 cover

Let's not jump to any conclusions. Maybe it's because you're a mutant?


Jericho Drumm (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 5 001

Not helping, Deadpool.

Wade Wilson (Earth-616) from X-Men Battle of the Atom Vol 1 1 cover

That's my mutant power -- not helping.

Appearing in "No Man Can Outrun Death"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




  • Deadsled (Only on screen as a static image or video record)

Synopsis for "No Man Can Outrun Death"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• The devastation in Boston worsens, and the Uncanny Avengers fight a world gone mad.

• An unexpected figure makes a surprise entrance.

• So, hang on -- Deadpool is STILL an Avenger?

See Also

Links and References

