—Psi-HawkWelcome, World-Warrior. Welcome to the Eternity Watch. Welcome to the war.
Appearing in "The Survivors"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Ego the Living Planet / Ego-Prime (Egros) (Main story and origin in recap) (Joins Eternity Watch)
Other Characters:
- Sentience of the Multiverse (Dream)
- Anti-Man (Conner Sims) (As the avatar of the Sentience of the Multiverse in dream)
- Molecule Man (Owen Reece) (Mentioned)
- Alter Ego (Cameo)
- Firelord (Pyreus Kril) (Only in recap)
- Hercules (Only in recap)
- Thor (Only in recap)
- Logos (Referenced)
- Stranger (Only in recap)
- Eternity Watch (First appearance)
- Infinaut
- Shaper of Worlds (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Psi-Hawk (Emmett Proudhawk)
- The Maker (Reed Richards)
- Victor von Doom (Mentioned)
- High Evolutionary (Herbert Wyndham)
Races and Species:
- Taa-ans
- Genius Loci (Main story and recap)
- Ego's Anti-bodies (Main story and recap)
- Xandarians (Only in recap)
- Human-Olympian Hybrids (Only in recap)
- Asgardians (Only in recap)
- Cosmic Beings (Main story and recap)
- Unidentified alien species (Main story and recap)
- Cosmic Cubes (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Humans
- New Men
- Multiverse (Main story and flashback) (As the Sixth Infinity in dream only)
- Taa III (Name revealed)
- Prime Marvel Universe (Main story and flashback)
- Taa (Mentioned) (Dream)
- Deep Space
- Unnamed galaxy (Only in recap)
- Unnamed system (Destruction in recap)
- Unnamed twin planets (Destruction in recap)
- Unnamed system (Destruction in recap)
- Milky Way
- Ultraflow (Mentioned) (Dream)
- Neutra-Space (Mentioned) (Dream)
- Power Cosmic (Main story and recap)
- Firelord's Staff (Only in recap)
- Mjolnir (Only in recap)
- Eternity War (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Survivors"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• Galactus faces the ultimate battle with his oldest enemy — Ego, the Living Planet!
• But if the Devourer of Worlds could never fully defeat the Living Planet — what chance does the Lifebringer have?
• Tell no one about the astonishing ending of this epic issue, True Believer! Some things are too good to spoil!