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So...Isaiah died at the camp...?

Faith Shabazz (Earth-616) and Josiah's Surrogate Mother (Earth-616) from Crew Vol 1 5 001

Isaiah? No...Whatever made you think Isaiah was dead?

Appearing in "Part Five: The Math"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Several Jewish women
  • Hundreds of unnamed Jews (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
  • Jesse Owens (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Part Five: The Math"

This issue takes place in October 1942.

As Captain America, in Schwarzebitte, Isaiah Bradley killed many Nazi soldiers before beginning to use explosives to attack their camp. He strangled Dr. Raymond Koch to death before being shocked at the sight of people having been experimented on. While fighting Nazis, Isaiah took cover in a gas chamber and was exposed to gas and after waking up, he was surrounded by soldiers pointing guns at him.

In the present, Faith was telling Isaiah's story to Steve Rogers and that he didn't die at the camp and that he wasn't dead.


  • In the previous issue, the scene where Isaiah Bradley reads Captain America Comics issue #1 was established to take place in September 1942. However, the recap page of this issue states that it takes place "a month" after the battle in the preceding scene of that same issue of "Truth: Red, White, & Black." That same battle was established to take place in July 1942. Perhaps the only way this does not contradict is if the battle took place on July 31st, 1942, and it continued past midnight (i.e. August 1st, 1942). Therefore, an exact "month later" would mean the scene Isaiah read Captain America #1 would have taken place in early September 1942.
  • In the recap page of the next issue, Raymond Koch is apparently identified as Ernst Koch.

See Also

Links and References

