Appearing in 1st story
- King Menelaus of Sparta
- King Agamemmnon of Mycenae
- Palamedes
- Odysseus
- Myrmidons
- Achilles (Main story and flashback)
- Nestor
- Ajax
- Thersander (First appearance; dies)
- Idomeneus
- Diomedes
Trojans and their allies:
- Trojans
- Aeneas
Supporting Characters:
- Zeus
- Themis
- Thetis
- Eris
- Peleus
- Hermes
- Hera
- Athena
- Aphrodite
- Calchas
- Court of Scyros
- Teuthrania
- Iris
- Artemis
Other Characters:
- Cheiron, the Centaur (First appearance)
- Penelope
- Telemachus
- Gaea/Earth (Mentioned)
- Hephaestus (Mentioned)
- Agelaus (Mentioned)
- Helen's father (Mentioned)
- Menelaus' grandsire (Mentioned)
- Euboian King, father of Palamedes (Mentioned)
- Apollo (Mentioned)
- Polyneices (Mentioned)
- Iphigenia (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Olympus
- Earth/Gaea
- Ancient Greece
- Asia
- Phrygia
- Sidon
- Southern Mysia
- Teuthrania
- River Styx
- Ashen spear (First appearance)
- Apple
- Talaria
- Greek Ships
- Trojan Ships
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written