—Commander KrakenCOMMANDER KRAKEN! Surely you've heard of me, captain! Anyone who operates beneath the briny deep as you do must know of my reputation!
Appearing in "From Far Beneath the Mirror of the Moon!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Dr. Joanne Tumolo (Only in flashback) (First name revealed)
- Ben Richards (Attorney) (Only in flashback)
- ⏴ Commander Kraken ⏵ (Main story and flashback)
- Kraken's Crew
- Numerous unnamed crewmembers
Other Characters:
- Alien Crew
- Intelligence Officer Belag
- Unnamed Captain
- Numerous unnamed crewmembers
- Owl (Mentioned in narration)
- CPD (Only in flashback)
- Unnamed Police Officer (Only in flashback)
- United States Navy (Mentioned)
- Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie) (Only in flashback)
Races and Species:
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- Caribbean Sea (Mentioned)
- Kraken's Squid-Ship
- Alien Spaceship
Synopsis for "From Far Beneath the Mirror of the Moon!"
While exploring unusual sonic pulses under Lake Michigan, the Cat encounters mysterious aliens she mistakes as a Naval crew site in a submerged dome. Kraken tries to overtake the complex, but the Cat and the alien crew fight off the pirates. The alien commander, Belog, ultimately decides to abandon earth and blasts his submerged craft back into outer space. A startled Greer is shocked at this turn of events.
Solicit Synopsis
According to Travis Starnes' website, Following her confrontation with the Owl, Greer decides to bring her mentor to a lake house retreat to recover. When her senses pick up strange sonar emanations in the lake, she can't help but investigate. - See more at: http://cmro.travis-starnes.com/detail.php?idvalue=1258#sthash.1m2zM4qu.dpuf
Publication Notes[]
- This issue features a letters page: “Cat Scratchings”. Letters are published from Shira J. Rosan, Frank Miller, Cincinnati’s, and Bill Henley, Jr.
- Lake Michigan is incorrectly stated as being a saltwater lake when it's a freshwater lake.
- This Issue has a letter on the letters page from a young Frank Miller. (Verified by user: thepokerhulk)/ *(See Vol 1 4 in comparison). Miller lived at his listed address in Montpelier, Vermont at this time.