—TaskmasterWhen you get down to it, it’s just work. Everyone’s got to work, right? You got to eat, got to put a roof over your head…and these outfits don’t come cheap. Throw some henchmen in the mix and buddy, you can’t afford to take it easy. So you do dirty deeds for dirtier dollars. Industrial espionage, muscle work, bodyguarding… … Murder… Hell, even the lowest of the low… … Golf.
Appearing in "The Rubicon Trigger, Part One"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Maria Hill (Death)
- Bullseye (Lester)
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton) (Mentioned)
- Phil Coulson (As a hologram)
- Okoye (As a hologram)
- White Fox (Ami Han) (As a hologram)
- Daughters of the Dragon (Mentioned)
- Maggia (Mentioned)
- Daredevil (Matt Murdock) (Mentioned)
- Calhoun (First appearance)
- Stepansky (First appearance)
- Ghost Rider (Vision or hallucination)
- Red Skull (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- United States of America
- Madripoor (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Rubicon Trigger, Part One"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Or at least that’s what the whole world thinks. Now the greatest spies in the business are hunting him down and won’t stop until Taskmaster is dead or clears his own name! Follow JED MACKAY (BLACK CAT) and ALESSANDRO VITTI (SECRET WARRIORS) on a globe–spanning adventure that will send ripples through every corner of the Marvel Universe’s espionage community!