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They're underpaid – overworked – and unappreciated – no one calls them superheroes, or makes any fuss over them! And yet, it's men like that – the thousands of unsung cops on the beat – who keep our streets from turning into jungles – and who make our cities safe – even for the unthinking cop-haters themselves!

Captain America

Appearing in "The Coming of Whiplash!"

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Synopsis for "The Coming of Whiplash!"

Continued from last issue... In order to defeat the Grey Gargoyle, Iron Man put his chest plate at risk and now, in order to save his life, SHIELD agent Jasper Sitwell is attempting to remove Iron Man's mask. When even a miniature explosive proves incapable of removing the helmet, Sitwell leaves the scene to find Tony Stark to aid in saving Iron Man's life (little does Sitwell know that Stark is really Iron Man.)

Meanwhile, aboard an illegal casino on a cruise ship just over the border into international water, Morgan Stark (Tony's cousin) has gotten himself deeply in debt to the Maggia (who operate the ship), and he is brought to their leader, the Big M.

In order to square his debts with the Maggia he offers to bring them Iron Man, given that Morgan is the only surviving relative of Stark, they figure he has a chance. However, they inform him that if he fails he will be at the mercy of their costumed assassin: Whiplash.

Traveling to Stark Industries, Morgan manages to get past security due to his relation to Tony, and makes off the scene with Iron Man's body with a half-baked story about being there on his cousins behalf. Conscious, Iron Man soon becomes aware of Morgan's plot to betray him when Morgan is boasting out loud while driving back to the docks. As Morgan's attention is turned towards driving, Iron Man plugs in his recharger in a back seat cigarette lighter adapter to recharge his armor.

Allowing himself to be brought before the Big M, Iron Man springs up and makes short work of the Big M's goons, however, in the fight Iron Man gets himself sealed in the room where the Big M puts those that Whiplash is to handle.

As Iron Man tries to get out, Whiplash enters to deal with the golden avenger... This story is continued next issue.

Appearing in "And So it Begins--!"

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  • Black Panther's Drone Plane

Synopsis for "And So it Begins--!"

When answering a call for help, Captain America soon realizes that he has walked into a trap setup by the crime syndicate which is trying to rub him out. After making quick work of the thugs that were hired to eliminated him, Cap reflects that this is the price he must pay to be Captain America.

Meanwhile in Wakanda, the Black Panther finds that one of his outposts has been ambushed and wiped out. He soon finds a group of costumed and armed soldiers prowling the jungles and attacks them. They are quickly able to neutralize his attack.

Back in the States, Cap is at the local police precinct where he identifies his attackers for the police and is driven home where he thinks about Agent-13, and how she hasn't returned any of his calls. While he thinks about this, Agent-13 has just succeeded in taking the place of female spy Irma Kruhl for a secret mission for Nick Fury.

Back at Avengers Mansion, Cap hears a thump on the roof and goes up to investigate, there he finds a ship that calls him forward. Entering it he finds T'Challa (aka the Black Panther) on the video monitor asking for Cap's aid because the invaders of his land are somehow tied to Captain America. Accepting the call, Cap presses the button to start up the automatic pilot to fly to Wakanda... This story is continued next issue.


  • This issue contains a letters page, Mails of Suspense. Letters are published from Malcolm Stanislaus, Doug Hartman, and Ronald Williams.

See Also

Links and References

