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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Voyage Into Chaos!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Virago (Main story and flashback) (First appearance)
  • Virago's Army (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Magical Golden Submarine (Main story and flashback)

Synopsis for "Voyage Into Chaos!"

The Council of Elders has decided to segregate the Hydro-Men in a prison camp outside of Atlantis. Namor frees them, and decrees that they should be free to mingle with the Atlantean people.

A delegation from another underwater world arrives in Atlantis. They meet with Namor and implore his help as their world has fallen under the tyranny of the warrior queen, Virago. Namor accompanies them home and fights alongside them. Unfortunately, they're defeated and Namor learns that he's to battle Virago in a trial by combat.

Appearing in "Tales of Atlantis: In the Wake of the Warriors!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Tanas of the Western Sea (First appearance; dies)
  • Army of the Western Sea
    • Elanna's unnamed Standard-Bearer (First appearance; dies)
    • Numerous unnamed Soldiers
  • Amy of the Eastern Sea
    • Rennar (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed Soldiers
  • Zenos (Invoked)
  • Fates (Invoked)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Tales of Atlantis: In the Wake of the Warriors!"

Many years ago after the fall of Atlantis a great battle was held between two kingdoms. Tanas and his Army of the Western Seas and Stegor with his Army of the Eastern Seas. The armies fought and Tanas was killed but his wife a mystic of their people already foresaw this and suited up for battle herself. Mounting her Manta she charged into battle and killed Stegor marking his very corpse with her standard as the place where a great new Atlantis will be built within the ruins of the old as the fates have foretold.

Meanwhile news of Stegor's death reached his brother Orreck. Orreck seeking to rule himself decided to send his son Kamuu on a suicide mission in order to become King.


  • In the Wake of the Warriors! plot by Chaykin, script by Gerber.

See Also

Links and References

