Appearing in "The Dreamstone"
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Synopsis for "The Dreamstone"
Namor falls beneath the might of M.O.D.O.K. and his androids. Doctor Doom is forced to confront M.O.D.O.K. directly. Namor manages to free himself and reach the Cosmic Cube. Doom meets up with him, but Namor has secured the destruction of the Cosmic Cube. They both flee as the Cosmic Cube's explosion destroys the A.I.M. base.
Solicit Synopsis
This is it! The fearful finale to the three-way war between Namor, Modok, and a desperate Dr. Doom! More we gotta tell ya?
- The Cosmic Cube will survive this explosion and will be unearthed later on Isle Dernieres. Drax and Thanos will fight over the Cube and Thanos will emerge as the winner and take possession of the Cube in Captain Marvel #28.