—Madame WebI am Madame Web, and I cannot see the future. Because there is no future. There is only Shathra.
Appearing in "End of the Spider-Verse - Part Four: The Unraveling"
Featured Characters:
- Spider-Army
- Madame Web (Julia Carpenter)
- Kraven the Hunter-Spider (Sergei Kravinoff)
- Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
- Web-Weaver (Cooper Coen)
- Silk (Cindy Moon)
- Night-Spider (Felicia Hardy)
- Araña (Anya Corazon)
- Spider-UK (Zarina Zahari)
- Morlun
- Webster
- Sun-Spider (Charlotte Webber)
- Spiderman (Peter Palmer) (First appearance) (Joins)
Supporting Characters:
- Oscorp-44145
- Spider-Man (Norman Osborn-44145) (Death)
- Spiders-Man ("Peter Parker") (Death)
- The Other (Peter Parker-982)
- Spider-Mobile (Peter Parkedcar)
- Spinneret (Mary Jane Watson-Parker)
- 8-Bit Spider-Man (Peter Parker-Unknown)
- Syllie Spider
- Oscorp-616
- Hive
- Spider-Biodroid (Peter Parker-9221) (First full appearance) (Death)
- Spider-Rex (Pter Parker) (Death)
- Spinstress (Princess Petra)
- Ghost-Spider (Gwen Stacy) (Main story and recap)
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker-Unknown)
- Ricochet (Peter Parker-37375)
- Spider-Ham (Peter Porker)
- Scarlet Spider (Peter Parker-98311)
- Spider-Man (Bruce Banner)
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker-1048)
- Nestling (Annie Parker)
- Spider-Woman (Mayday Parker)
- Spider-Man (Miguel O'Hara)
- The Spider-Man (Peter Parker-90214)
- Numerous alternate Spider-Men
- Shathra
Other Characters:
- Superior Spider-Man (Dr. Otto Octavius) (Mentioned)
- Peter Parker (Earth-616)
- Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) (Mentioned) (Deceased)
- Neith (Statue)
- NYPD (Mentioned)
- Dr. Peter Parker
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and recap)
- Tyrannosaurus rex
- Spiders
- Symbiotes (Main story and recap)
- Pig-Spider Hybrids
- Cats (Mentioned)
- Elder Gods
- Inheritors
- Monkeys (Mentioned)
- Multiverse
- Earth-616 Beta
- Earth-44145
- Earth-9221 (Mentioned)
- Earth-66 (Mentioned)
- Earth-001
- Earth-616 (Main story and recap)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- United States of America
- Delvadia (Main story and recap)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- Spider-Men's Suits and Web-Shooters
- Web of Life and Destiny (Fragment)
- Totem Dagger (Only in recap)
Synopsis for "End of the Spider-Verse - Part Four: The Unraveling"
As Madame Web watches the various spiders across the Great Web be hunted by Shathra's forces, the Oscorp of Earth-44145 is attacked by the turned Spider-Biodroid and Spider-Rex seeking Spider-Man (Norman Osborn). Knowing there's not much time left, Spiders-Man hands Norman the canister holding the fragment of the Great Web that Norman stole[1] before going out to die for a few seconds of time for Norman. Breaching his lab, Norman successfully used a telepod to send the canister somewhere safe, triggering a self-destruct to kill his adversaries, prevent Shathra from gaining the knowledge, and claim a victory with his last breath. Seeing that Norman's death, Madame Web is in tears as she needed that Norman, having told nobody, not even her allies, but Shathra still prevented her plan. Now with her allies scattered, another allied turned, and Peter severed from the Great Web, all Madame Web can see is Shathra. In the temple, Araña is flustered by Peter's supposed death until Felicia reorients her focus, and they utilize the temples final trap to aid their escape. But as they flee, Araña takes the time to read the temple walls, with mention of the Chosen One and Felicia retorting that such was Peter and now he's gone.
As they escape, Shathra is informed of their departure by Nestling, but Shathra dismisses the fled Spider-Women with her on the cusp of victory. Above her unnoticed, Kraven the Hunter-Spider and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) plan to attack, but while Miles is opposed to hurting Annie, he leaps into the fray upon hearing of Peter's death. With the element of surprise gone, Kraven has to retreat while Miles is captured with his attack doing next to nothing on Shathra. As she demands to know why he's immune to her, but imprisons him to learn the secret later. At their Earth-616 Beta Snactuary, Madame Web finds Spider-UK and asks she bring out their new ace, now that Peter is gone. In the Loomworld Dungeons, Miles is chained while Peter Parker-982 fails to coax Mayday from her enthralled state, but fails as he is host to The Other so she discounts him. Spinneret tells Miles that they are the Spiders Shathra couldn't turn because of one factor or another, so they were imprisoned. With Jess and Peter both gone, Miles feels a sense of dread come over him, worried this will be the end of everything. On Earth-616, the turned Spinstress conveys through the hive mind that Peter is now dead, as Web-Weaver saves Webster from being eaten, and Silk takes her down to stop her musical numbers.
While Morlun was please by Silk's brutality, she admits it was to disable Shathra's live feed of Spintress's mind, and despite her turning, she is not on the Morlun's menu. Madame Web and Spider-UK arrive concurrent to Araña and Night-Spider, revealing their substitute "Chosen One" in Spiderman (Peter Palmer), their Peter's "original prototype" from Earth-616 Beta. Given his personality and demand for payment for his services, Morlun reluctantly confesses to missing Peter Parker-616. Across town at Oscorp Plaza, Norman Osborn assembles his team after his lawyers finally got his equipment back after the hijacking[2] and wants the project ready by day's end. As one scientist is complementing his junior for constructing the device, the junior admit he designed the instrument, and once the junior scientist activates the receiver component, he's stunned by it's activation and retrieval of a teleported item. With the other telepod yet to be operational and the container housing some form of webbing, Dr. Peter Parker is puzzled and questions where the mysterious sample came from.
Solicit Synopsis
"End of the Spider-Verse" rages on!
• Yes, that really happened last issue.
• The tremors will be felt until it all ends.
• That's truly all we can say until you read #3.