—HammerheadMaybe not. Maybe it's time I stopped in to check on my investment. Besides, if youse guys caught two Spider-Men in your wish-web... then HAMMERHEAD has a few wishes of his own he wants fulfilled!
Appearing in "Arachnobatics, Chapter #4: The Pitch"
Featured Characters:
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Main story and recap)
- Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Supporting Characters:
- Sha Shan Nguyen
- Professor Raymond Warren
- Gwen Stacy Android
- Kamala Khan Android (Destroyed)
- Shift
- Arcade (Main story and flashback)
- Mentallo (Marvin Flumm) (Main story and flashback)
- Hammerhead (Joseph) (Main story and flashback)
- Peter Parker Android (First appearance) (Destroyed)
- Miles Morales Android (First appearance) (Destroyed)
- Arcadium A.I. (Behind the scenes)
Other Characters:
- Stark Industries (Mentioned)
- Doctor Seymour Krepps
- Max Vinck (Unnamed)
- unidentified corpse (Mentioned)
- Doctor Miles Warren (Mentioned)
- The Daily Bugle (Mentioned)
- Ben Urich (Mentioned)
- New York Giants (Illusion or holographic simulation) (Appears on screen)
- Kenny Kong (Appears on screen)
- Shelly Conklin (Appears on screen)
- Cedric Harrison (Appears on screen)
- Juliet Marcos (Appears on screen)
- Anna Romney Android (Appears on screen)
- Helen Parker Android
- May Parker Android
- George Stacy Android
- Benny Parker Android
- Jay Jameson (Only in recap)
- May Parker (Only in recap)
- Ben Parker (Only in recap)
- Gwen Stacy (Only in recap)
- George Stacy (Only in recap)
- Tiana Toomes (Mentioned)
- Kamala Khan (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and flashback)
- Mutants (Main story and flashback)
- Guinea Pigs
- Robots
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- New York (Main story and flashback)
- New York City (Main story and flashback)
- Manhattan (Main story and flashback)
- Baxter Building (Mentioned)
- Tribeca
- Empire State University (Mentioned)
- Arcadium
- Fifth Avenue (Only in recap)
- Mount Sinai Medical Center (Only in recap)
- Long Island (Only in recap)
- Brooklyn (Illusion or holographic simulation)
- Queens (Only in recap)
- Forest Hills (Only in recap)
- Ingram Street (Only in recap)
- Aunt May's House (Only in recap)
- Ingram Street (Only in recap)
- Forest Hills (Only in recap)
- Manhattan (Main story and flashback)
- Danger Room (Mentioned)
- New York City (Main story and flashback)
- New York (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- Psycho-Helmet (Main story and flashback)
- Spider-Man's Suit and Web-Shooters (Main story and recap)
Synopsis for "Arachnobatics, Chapter #4: The Pitch"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• The world comes crashing down around Peter and Miles.
• Someone has just ticked off the wrong Spider-Men.
• The gloves have come off, and people are going to get hurt.Notes
- In this issue, Peter remembers the death of some of the people closest to him:
- Jay Jameson, who died in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #19;
- Uncle Ben, who died back in Amazing Fantasy #15;
- Gwen Stacy, who first died in Amazing Spider-Man #121;
- Captain George Stacy, who first died in Amazing Spider-Man #90.
- Miles also remembers Kamala's death, which happened in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #26, being later revived in X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1