—BloodstormWars...are waged by nations...armies...multitudes...in the name...of causes...ideals...gods...territory...! Wars are...for followers...and the leaders who need them...! I kill...because they pay me...!
Appearing in "Bloodstorm Returns"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Edna (Dream)
- Pistol
- Lord Pumpkin
- Shelley Rogers
- Vittorio Sabatini
- Bloodstorm
Other Characters:
- Don Celini
- Cha-Cha
- Miss Chiu (First appearance)
- Dr. Trahern
- Niall Quinn
- Dr. Hwa
- Lord Pumpkin's mutates
- Earth-93060
- New York City
- 211 Ninth Avenue
- St. Ignatius Cemetery
- Long Island
- Mercy General Hospital
- Manhattan
- Medical Examiner's Office
- Playgo America Corporate Headquarters
- Bronx
- Majestic Theatre
- New York City
Synopsis for "Bloodstorm Returns"
- Synopsis not yet written