Appearing in "Time Out of Mind!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Slitherouge (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- robotic constructs
- Scorpians (Only in flashback)
- Jeff Scully (Only in flashback)
- Merlin
- Morgan Le Fay
Synopsis for "Time Out of Mind!"
Skull and his comrades learn the secret of the Tower of Time, constructed by the Scorpians in Earth's prehistory as a way of keeping their robots busy, but soon to be the staging post for Slitherogue's attempt to conquer time itself. Ann, Jeff and Corey seemingly die at the hands of Slitherogue's servants, but Skull falls through the Tower and ends up in what appears to be Camelot, where Merlin and the Black Knight decide to assist him, believing Slitherogue to be a demon...
- Letters (story pages): ? page 1, Watanabe pages 2-17.