Marvel Database

Shem was a vast Southern Kingdom of the Hyborian world, reaching from the Western Ocean to the Eastern Desert and the borders of Turan; however, it was far from politically or culturally unified. Western Shem, which includes the shorelines, contained fertile meadow lands and a large number of city-states where powerful local rulers controlled these lands from their luxurious palaces; meanwhile, Eastern Shem was a sandy desert, and a land of nomads.[6]


The dates mentioned down there use another hypothetical chronology, placing the Great Cataclysm circa 17,000-22,000 BC, that Acheron's Fall circa G.C. 2500, and Conan's rule circa G.C. 5500, ignoring the usual setting of Conan as living circa 10,000 BC, 8000 years after the Great Cataclysm.[7] The dates are translated to fit the Great Cataclysm by 18,000 BC.

Origins: Sons of Shem (16,000-15,775 BC)[]

The Sons of Shem were clans of nomadic savages who appeared east of Stygia circa G.C. 2000[8] (2000 years after the Great Cataclysm).

They began entering Stygia's borders, filtering through the Kharamun Desert and drifting across the meadowlands beyond, where they were tyrannized into a semi-settled pastoral life by the Stygians.

About the same time, Stygia annexed the "Lands of Shem". Her northern border with Koth was more or less stabilized along the natural great escarpment between the two lands by G.C. 2250,[8]

Shem from Handbook of the Conan Universe Vol 1 1 001

Shem during the Age of Conan circa 10,000 BC

Age of Conan (10,000 BC)[]

Conan and Keiv landed unconscious on the coast of Shem, drifting far southward from Nostume's accursed isle.[9]

While wandering in the great forest, Keiv was kidnapped by the witch queen Ren as part of her plan to escape Imhotep's wrath. Imhotep appeared with its Sky-Horde and killed an entire Kothian Army, while Conan rescued his friend and decapitated Renrutanit, whose still-living head was later recovered by Pathir.[10]

A short time later, in a castle on a deserted plain in the northern region of Shem, the magical Council of the Seven used their arcane power to resurrect the Devourer of Souls from death after his battle with the Ravager of Worlds.[11]

Some time later, Conan saved a girl named Rosina from a band of thugs who stalked her at night. Bringing her back home, the Cimmerian met her mother, Lady Sabbatha, and Lord Dakin, who later hired him to sneak into her house and steal a couple of magical artifacts for him. Conan's thieving attempt was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a couple of Simianthros, who took the items and kidnapped Rosina. Asked by Lady Sabbatha to bring them back, Conan tracked the apes down to Stygia.[12]

At some point, jealous of the human beauty Isolene, Ishtar had her placed in a tower guarded by demons-and then forgot about her. Ishtar was served by a wizard named Libro, who became greedy and stole her powerstone. Under the alias of Alonia, Ishtar regained her powerstone. Nergal and Tammuz were also encountered by mortal adventurers at this time, as were Bel and Ashtoreth.[citation needed]

Tel-Ammon was a city-state of Shem ruled by Queen Atala. Atala was seduced and slain by Nebuhan, who only married her to become king. However, Atala's daughter Ayelet escaped, and about two decades later, with Conan's help, would avenge her mother. Upon the advice of a Vanir mystic, Nebuhan had placed his soul in a mystical container. Ayelet and Conan acquired the container.[citation needed]

The pirate queen Bêlit of Shem became Conan's lover and sailed with him for three years.[citation needed]

Conan had other Shemite-related adventures, including an adventure in Asgalun of Pelishtia, meeting king Akhirom, who worshiped Pteor;[citation needed] facing a giant turtle;[citation needed] or most importantly, on the borderline of Aquilonia, Conan saw one of Mitra's angels who usually appeared to those about to die. The angel of Mitra appeared again to Conan and granted him Mitra's power to stop a priestess of Yog, a demon worshiped in Darfar. The angels of Mitra and the demons of Yog looked on as the two fought. Conan killed the priestess and saw her blood fall to Earth. The blood cursed the land upon which it fell, making that land a place of war and disorder.[citation needed]

Later, Zukala, a minor god in the time of Atlantis, offered to resurrect Bêlit, and her corpse had started to emerge from the sea, but Conan stabbed Zukala.[citation needed]

In Shem, Conan was employed by two rich brothers to find the woman Fionqu'a. Little did Conan know that these brothers were the Gamesmen of Asgalun, using him and Fionqu'a in an amusing game of life and death.[citation needed]

Conan encountered Shumash-Shum-Ukin, a time-travelling Babylonian monarch. After an encounter with Xka'Ahk, a serpent demon rival of Set, Shumash-Shum-Ukin declared he would time travel a few thousand years into the future to meet with a carpenter who can perform miracles.[citation needed]

Ayelet remained a staunch ally of King Conan. She later died due to the machinations of an impostor posing as Conan's son, Taurus.[citation needed]

End and Legacy (9,500 BC-8,000 BC)[]

Circa 9,500 BC, 500 years after the time of King Conan, Aquilonia had extended its empire over the western cities of Shem (along with Zingara, Argos, and Ophir), while the eastern Shemitish tribes (as well as Koth and Corinthia) were forced to pay tribute and lend aid in war to Aquilonia.[13] The Shemite countries were treated by Aquilonia as subjected countries.

After the Aquilonians were defeated by the Nemedians, turned against the Bossonians whose desertion had caused the defeat, and were finally invaded by the Picts led by Gorm, the Shemites seceeded (along Corinthia, following Zingara).[14]

After the fall of the Aquilonian empire, the Glacial Ages came upon Hyboria, forcing the Nordics and Cimmerians south. In Shem (as well as in Brythunia and Hyperborea), now under Hyrkanian rule, the Nordic-Nemedians broke the back of the invading power. As their western empire was destroyed, the Hyrkanians massacred all unfit slaves and brought the survivors back east.[15]

The advance of the glaciers and the birth of the Mediterranean Sea drowned Shem[16] during the Post-Hyborian Cataclysm which formed the Mediterranean by breaking the Stygian Continent from the rest of Hyboria.

The Shemite stock survived in various people:

  • The ancient Sumerians were originated of mixed Hyrkanian and Shemitish blood.
  • Arabs and Israelites were descended from "purer" Shemites.[15]



Shem in general has a major presence in the trade world of its era. Its entire area contained a vast network of trade routes and the cities prospered from the profits. The Shemites focused a bit too much on their land routes, and the coastline was underdeveloped as a result. Assuming naval trade to be a secondary concern, few Shemites bothered to develop port cities and harbors. Among the most famed of its cities are the decadent coastal metropolis of Asgalun and the desert-city of Akbitana, a center of steelmaking.[6]


The economy was relatively diverse. The fertile regions were famed for their production in fruits, such as grapes and pomegranates. Agriculture in general and animal husbandry were major and prosperous occupations in the area. Local reserves of gold and copper, along with the famed Shemite textiles and pottery, were prized export items. Shemite mercenaries, mainly archers, served in both local and foreign armies.[6]


The deserts of Eastern Shem were typically dominated by raiders, the most famed among them being the Zuagir. Individual tribes had their own chiefs, but ambitious war chiefs had been known to sometimes unify multiple tribes in massive forces. Their usual targets were traveling caravans, although they occasionally threatened entire cities if they had sufficient numbers.[6]


Outside of the Shemite city-states, distinct peoples were known among the Shemites:


City-dwellers, and nomads were unified in their polytheistic religious practices. Female deities associated with fertility were widely worshiped, the most popular among them being Ashtoreth, Ishtar, and Derketo/Derketa. A few male gods also had large followings, mainly Pteor, Adonis/Tammuz, and Bel. Bel was the patron of liars and thieves, and his followers tended to practice related activities.[6]

The Zuagirs also worshiped their own gods and demons.

Points of Interest



  • Shem was created by Robert E. Howard, and was featured or mentioned in many Conan stories, including "The Tower of the Elephant", "Queen of the Black Coast", or "A Witch Shall Be Born", as well as in the pseudo-historical essay "The Hyborian Age".[16]
    • Howard named Shem and its people after the Semitic people, a vast ethnolinguistic group active from antiquity to the modern world. They include among others the ancient Akkadians (including their Babylonian and Assyrian offshoots), the Hebrews, the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians, and the Arabs.

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #149 ; Slaves of the Circle
  2. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #153 ; Blood on the Sand
  3. ↑ Conan the Barbarian #137
  4. ↑ Conan #4 Barbarian at the Gate
  5. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #111 ; Mud Men of Keshan
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Handbook of the Conan Universe #1 ; Shem's profile
  7. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #23 ; Stygia: Serpent of the South - Chronological note
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 Savage Sword of Conan #23 ; Stygia: Serpent of the South - II. Racial Drift
  9. ↑ Conan the Barbarian #179
  10. ↑ Conan the Barbarian #180
  11. ↑ Conan the Barbarian #187
  12. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #216
  13. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #15 ; The Hyborian Age - Chapter 4: The Beginning of the End
  14. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #16 ; The Hyborian Age - Chapter 5: Fire and Slaughter
  15. ↑ 15.0 15.1 Savage Sword of Conan #17 ; The Hyborian Age - Chapter 6: The Darkness... and the Dawn
  16. ↑ 16.0 16.1 Savage Sword of Conan #39 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part VII: Shem's profile
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 Savage Sword of Conan #30 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part I: Aphaki's profile
  18. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #30 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part I: Asshuri's profile
  19. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #42 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part IX: Zuagir's entry
  20. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #30 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part I: Akbitana's profile
  21. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #30 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part I: Anakia's profile
  22. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #30 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part I: Asgalun's profile