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What will it be, Kaine? If you want your friends to live... if you want to live... then kill me!

Appearing in "Into the Grave: Part 3"

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Synopsis for "Into the Grave: Part 3"

Kraven tells Kaine that he wants him to kill him to free him from his curse and when he refuses, he orders his daughter to kill one of Kaine's friends, so she rips through Donald's stomach. Shortly after, Kraven orders Ana to kill the others as well and at that point Kaine punches him in the heart with a stinger. After freeing Wally who takes care of Donald, the Scarlet Spider strikes Kraven again, restarting his heart. The hunter and his daughter disappear, and Kaine and Annabbelle later discover that even if he survives Donald will never fully recover, while Wally begins to search for information about Kaine.

Solicit Synopsis


• The final showdown between Scarlet Spider and Kraven the Hunter.

• But what does Kraven REALLY want? It's not what you might think.

• Being Kaine's friend comes with a horrible price, and Kaine's supporting cast is about to pay it.

See Also

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