—AresMen call me Ares... and tremble when they do. But these mockeries of life... they shall call me... NOTHING!
Appearing in "Red Mercury"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- God (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- East Germany
- Russia (Mentioned)
- Moscow (Mentioned)
- Kremlin (Mentioned)
- Red Square (Mentioned)
- Moscow (Mentioned)
- Netherlands
- Heaven (Mentioned)
- Hell (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Red Mercury"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Gods Answer All Prayers"
Featured Characters:
- D'Keigh (First appearance; dies)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "The Gods Answer All Prayers"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Bonebomb Babylon"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Allah / God (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Golden Fleece (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Bonebomb Babylon"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Wojna"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Ziemowit (First appearance; dies)
Other Characters:
- Piast (Mentioned) (Deceased)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Poland
- Kruszwica (Mentioned)
- Lake Gopło (Mentioned)
- Kiev, Ukraine (Mentioned)
- Poland
Synopsis for "Wojna"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Ares, the greatest warrior the world has ever known, has lived for thousands of years, wandering the earth and waging war on his enemies. His acts and his axe are legendary and here, in stark black and white, are four tales of how he changed the world through violence. Through brutality. Through war… Don’t miss this all-new, all-action, all-black-and-white one-shot in the spirit of the Mighty Marvel Magazines of yore, but ALL-NOW in style!