Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Look around. This is literal paradise... how can things not get better in a place like this? Can we not enjoy it just a little bit? It's maybe not the best and easiest mission we've ever been on, but it definitely could be worse.


Appearing in "Ring of Fire: Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lavish (First appearance) (Unnamed) (Shadow only) (Only in flashback) (Memory golem of Charmaine)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Ring of Fire: Part One"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Ring of Fire Part 1

Everybody’s favorite X-couple is reunited! And boy, are they not happy about that… Kitty Pryde must send Rogue and Gambit on an undercover mission to find a group of kidnapped mutants. What they discover on this mission will shock them. But will it also bring them closer together…? It’s a high-stakes adventure caper that only the two hottest X-Men can deliver!

See Also

Links and References

