Appearing in "Death Watch"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Squadron Supreme
- Makkari
- Stranger
- Otmu (First appearance)
- Ualu (First appearance)
- Kayla Ballantine
- Ken Tanaka
- H.D. Steckley
Other Characters:
- Ego Prime
- Krakoa
- Rocket Raccoon
- Futurist
- Alpha
- Jack of Hearts
- Ethicals
- Power Platoon
- Trikon
- numerous unnamed Watchers (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Stranger's ship
Synopsis for "Death Watch"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Journey Into Mystery Part Three. Quasar battles a renegade Watcher, while the mystery behind the dead Watchers is revealed in "Death Watch". Part 3 of 4, continued from the previous issue. Story continues next issue. Script by Mark Gruenwald, pencils by Mike Manley, inks by Dan Panosian. Ego-Prime, the Overmind, Squadron Supreme, the Stranger.