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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Evolutionary Jihad"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lucinda


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Evolutionary Jihad"

The Punisher was searching for a drug lord called El Caiman in Bogotá, when a man in an Eliminator armor appeared and massacred nearby civilians and one of El Caiman's men. Frank fought and took down the Eliminator, while saving El Caiman's daughter Lucinda. The two went to El Caiman's villa in Little Caesar in Bogotá, where El Caiman's men confiscated Frank's weapons. The Punisher met El Caiman and told him that he came to him to convince him to stop selling drugs. El Caiman refused and made a truce with the Punisher to take down the Eliminators. The Eliminators attacked and destroyed the villa, but Frank, El Caiman, and Lucinda were able to escape to an underground complex, where the drug lord kept a crocodile to kill his captive enemies. The Punisher and El Caiman finished off the last Eliminators, who they learned were sent by the High Evolutionary. Afterwards, the Punisher used his last bullet to shoot the crocodile tank, setting the predator free and allowing it to devour the drug lord. Then, Frank and Lucinda left the jungle together.

Appearing in "3 Hearts"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Fred Astaire (Mentioned)



  • The Fury (First appearance) (Destroyed)

Synopsis for "3 Hearts"

Microchip watched news reports of the assassinations of Senator Alan Borsuk and Commissioner David Weiss. Then, he went to visit Felicia Nugent, who he had not seen in a long time. Felicia told Microchip that her husband Jim Nugent had been assassinating politicians for money. When a man in a car pulled over, Microchip and Felicia rushed into his customized car the Fury, while the former rushed back into the house and rigged it to explode, before driving off and returning to the warehouse, where he researched Jim Nugent. Later, Microchip stopped by a hotel near Nugent's office building and used a Carl Gustav rocket launcher to blow it up. However, Nugent survived and stole a police car and was chased by Microchip until the former was knocked off of the road by a train. Microchip promised to let Nugent go and let him take the Fury with him, but as soon as he drove off, the former detonated thermite inside of the car.

Appearing in "The Saga of the High Evolutionary Part 2: Pet Project"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "The Saga of the High Evolutionary Part 2: Pet Project"

In 1930, at Oxford University, Herbert Wyndham was researching DNA when Professor Reardon entered the laboratory. Reardon confronted Wyndham about his failing grades; the latter responded by offering to show the former and the other professors his work in exchange for being able to continue. Two days later, Wyndham showed his professors his prototype genetic accelerator designed to accelerate evolution. Reardon and his fellow professor believed that it was a hoax and Wyndham was expelled. Months later, Wyndham had convinced his mother to live with her sister so that he could use her home for his experiments. He experimented on a dog named Dempsey, causing it to evolve to being able to walk on two legs. Dempsey was shot by hunters, much to Wyndham's disappointment. One month later in Paris, Wyndham met with Jonathan and Merriam Drew, who were with their young daughter Jessica, and agreed to establish their own research facility at Wundagore Mountain.


Colombians include some Spanish in their English sentences. There is a typo: El Caiman greets Julio saying "ola" instead of "hola" (="Hello").

See Also

Links and References

