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Marvel Database

I really suggest you cooperate. To coin a phrase, we really do have ways of making you talk.


Appearing in "Meanwhile, Back at the Mansion..."

Featured Character(s):

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Synopsis for "Meanwhile, Back at the Mansion..."

Cannonball and Magik are chasing people who kidnapped Magma and Sunspot. The kidnappers get away with the unfortunate mutants, but Cannonball and Magik get a prisoner. Illyana tries to teleport them to the location of their friends based on their prisoner's information but misses by a week. So Sam takes them to see Lila Cheney to get some help. In the Bermuda Triangle, Lee Forrester and Magneto makeup, and get a warning from Professor X about the Beyonder. Illyana, Sam, Lila, and Allison go to a Gladiator bout and interfere. Everything seems to be going according to plan when Magneto arrives suddenly and asks everyone who would come with him.



  • This issue is the first appearance of Guido who will later be known as Strong Guy in the X-Factor series, of which Wolfsbane is also a member of.

See Also

Links and References

