—CalibanYes. Remove your human vestments and join our community. You are among friends. For you, like Caliban and Sobunar...are Morlock.
Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Anole (Vic Borkowski) (Joins Morlocks)
Supporting Characters:
- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
- Sophie Cuckoo
- Prodigy (Professor David Alleyne)
- Wolverine (Laura Kinney)
- Morlocks
- Aamir Khan
- Cousin Bilal (First full appearance) (Joins Truthseekers)
Other Characters:
- Shay (Photo)
- Roxxon (Named only)
- Local
- Dante
- Blob (Fred Dukes) (Mentioned)
- Yusuf Khan (Mentioned)
- Kid Omega (Quentin Quire) (Mentioned)
- Storm (Ororo Munroe) (Mentioned)
- Callisto (Mentioned)
- Tod Browning (Mentioned)
- X-Men (Mentioned)
- Locus Vile (Mentioned)
- Hellions (Mentioned)
- Quiet Council of Krakoa
- Krakoan (Julian Keller) (Mentioned)
- Empath (Manuel de la Rocha)
- Stepford Cuckoos
- Phoebe Cuckoo (Referenced)
- God (Invoked)
- Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) (Poster)
Races and Species:
- Mutants
- Humans
- Mutant-Inhuman Hybrids
- Bears (Toy)
- Sentinels (Mentioned)
- Dogs (Mentioned)
- Human-Kree Hybrids (Poster)
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Key Turn (Mentioned)
- Greenpoint (Mentioned)
- Alley
- Empire State University (Referenced)
- Prince Street (Mentioned)
- Prince Street Pizza (Referenced)
- New York City
- New Jersey
- New York
- Krakoa (Mentioned)
- Green Lagoon (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- Arakko (Mentioned)
- Hell (Invoked)
- Freaks (Referenced)
- X-Uniforms (Referenced)
- Ms. Marvel's Suit
- Wolverine's Suit
- Adamantium (on Wolverine's claws)
- Captain Marvel's Suit (Poster)
- Blackbird (Mentioned)
- Hellfire Gala (Mentioned)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
To Anole –
Last night, a mutant was killed in Greenpoint. His name was Shay, but he could have been any of us. I hope you’ll come to the memorial. We have to show up for each other – or it’s gonna be guys like the Truthseekers who decide what happens to mutants in New York City. I know it’s different for you. How much you risk just leaving the house every day. And I know you hate all this super-hero stuff. But this is a fight worth fighting.
– Kamala