—All-Father OdinI name thee... Mjolnir, the thunder weapon. First among hammers. The breaker of all things.
Appearing in "The Untold Origin of Mjolnir"
Featured Characters:
- Thor (Dr. Jane Foster)
- All-Father Odin (Only in flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Lord High Librarian
- Sons of Ivaldi (Only in flashback)
- Ulik (Only in flashback)
- Unnamed Rock Trolls (Only in flashback)
- God Tempest (Identity revealed in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Ymir (Mentioned)
- Unnamed Asgardians
- Ivaldi (Mentioned)
- Thor (Thor Odinson) (Only in flashback)
- Mangog (Named only)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Elder Gods (Mentioned)
- Asgardians (Only in flashback)
- Rock Trolls (Only in flashback)
- Dwarves of Nidavellir (Only in flashback)
- Space Sharks (Only in flashback)
- Omnipotence City
- Asgard (Only in flashback)
- Nidavellir (Only in flashback)
- Skornheim (Only in flashback)
- Skornheim Mountains (Only in flashback)
- Furnaces of Nidavellir (Only in flashback)
- Skornheim (Only in flashback)
- City of Asgard (Only in flashback)
- Bifrost (Only in flashback)
- Honeywine Falls, Alfheim (Named only)
- Nidavellir (Only in flashback)
- Mjolnir (Main story and flashback) (Origin revealed)
- Odinsword (Only in flashback)
- Uru (Only in flashback)
- Gungnir (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "The Untold Origin of Mjolnir"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• Forged from the mystical metal known as Uru, Thor’s Hammer is the key to a power that only the worthy can wield.
• But what makes one worthy to carry this weapon? Is it destiny? Or does the hammer choose its partner?
• Discover the storied history of Thor’s greatest ally — The MIGHTY MJOLNIR!