—Captain MarvelI know I'm only part Kree. My Human family's from Boston not Hala -- that's the Milky Way, not the Greater Magellanic Cloud. I know I only inherited my Kree powers in a freak accident, when I stumbled across a Psyche-Magnitron, a piece of ancient alien tech... but try telling that to the Kree life forces rushing through me... propelling me higher and faster... because somewhere down there is a blue-skinned Kree kid who needs my help.
Appearing in "Alien Nation: Part 1 of 4"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jess Drew
- Alpha Flight
- Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
- Lt. Wendy Kawasaki
- Lt. Commander Abigail Brand
- Puck (Eugene Judd)
- Board of Governors
- Citizen V (Bobby Da Costa) (Appears on screen)
- Black Panther (T'Challa) (Appears on screen)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) (Appears on screen)
- Unnamed members
- "Bean" (Hala Child Nine) (First appearance)
- Mim (Impersonates U.S. Army Ranger, Hala Child Nine, and Captain Marvel)
- Mim's confederate (Voice only)
Other Characters:
- Ant-Man (Scott Lang) (Named only)
- Wacker Studios (First appearance)
- Cap'n Marvel cast and crew
- "Captain Marvel" actress (First appearance)
- "Hero Man" actor (First appearance)
- Jayson Jay (First appearance)
- DeConnick (Named only)
- Unnamed members
- Cap'n Marvel cast and crew
- United States Air Force (Mentioned)
- NASA (Mentioned)
- President of the United States (Behind the scenes)
- Ulysses Cain (Mentioned)
- Unnamed alien refugees
- U.S. Army Rangers (Appears on screen)
- U.N. (Named only)
- D.O.D. (Mentioned)
- Joe Danvers, Jr. (Mentioned)
- Chitauri Wave (Mentioned)
- Hala Child Ten (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Human-Kree Hybrids
- Mutant-Alien Hybrids
- Mim (Name revealed)
- Kree
- Numerous unidentified alien species
- Chitauri (Mentioned)
- Milky Way
- Sol
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Wacker Studios (First appearance)
- Times Square (Only on screen as a static image or video record)
- Brooklyn Bridge
- East River (Cameo)
- Manhattan
- New York City
- White House, Washington, D.C. (Mentioned)
- Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia (Mentioned)
- Boston, Massachusetts (Mentioned)
- New York
- Atlantic Ocean (Cameo)
- Europe
- United Kingdom (Cameo)
- England (Cameo)
- London (Cameo)
- Lambeth (Cameo)
- London Eye (Cameo)
- Westminster (Cameo)
- Palace of Westminster (Cameo)
- Big Ben (Cameo)
- Palace of Westminster (Cameo)
- Lambeth (Cameo)
- London (Cameo)
- England (Cameo)
- France (Cameo)
- Paris (Cameo)
- Eiffel Tower (Cameo)
- Seine (Cameo)
- Paris (Cameo)
- Germany
- Black Forest
- Eastern Europe Alpha Flight Displaced Alien Refugee Camp (First appearance)
- Black Forest
- Czech Republic
- Prague
- Prague Alpha Flight Displaced Alien Refugee Camp (Only appearance; destruction)
- Prague
- United Kingdom (Cameo)
- Earth Orbit
- Alpha Flight Low-Orbit Space Station
- Communications Room (Appears on screen)
- Alpha Flight Module
- Command Bridge
- Conference Room
- Cargo Hold (Mentioned)
- Moon (Mentioned)
- Alpha Flight Low-Orbit Space Station
- United States of America
- Earth
- Sol
- Greater Magellanic Cloud (Referenced)
- Hala (Mentioned)
- Captain Marvel's Suit
- Psyche-Magnitron (Referenced)
- HLA Marker (First appearance; behind the scenes) (Unnamed)
- Panther Habit (Appears on screen)
- Captain America's Uniform (Appears on screen)
- Planetary Defense Shield (Mentioned)
- Moon Pods
- Alpha Flight Squadron Jets (Cameo)
- Civil War II (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Alien Nation: Part 1 of 4"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
The Greatest. That’s what they call her. Carol Danvers has been to the depths of outer space and back, but that still hasn’t prepared her for her newfound status of biggest super hero ever.
Yaas, Queen! Danvers may not like the crown she’s wearing, but boy does it look good on her. Just watch out for the thorns it comes with — forces trying to take down everything Carol has built.
Carol Danvers makes her triumphant return as the Mighty Captain Marvel! Written by celebrity writer Margaret Stohl (Beautiful Creatures, Black Widow: Forever Red) and drawn by the artfully talented Ramón Rosanas (Ant-Man), this bold new take on Earth’s mightiest and favorite hero!