—Cyrus VirroI'm not releasing any data till my robot is perfect! Now leave me alone... I have to conduct another test!
Appearing in "I, the Robot"
Featured Characters:
- M-11 (First appearance; unnamed)
Supporting Characters:
- Cyrus Virro (First appearance; dies) (Unnamed)
- Unnamed Man (Professor's Business Manager) (First appearance; dies)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "I, the Robot"
A brilliant professor has just completed his latest invention, a robot that follows commands that are broadcast to it through a special frequency. The scientist's business manager is pressuring the genius to sell the invention by the end of the month, telling him that it could easily earn them five million dollars. However the scientist declines as he will not release his invention to the world until he is sure it is operating perfectly.
Left to his work, the scientist activates his robot and orders it to pick up a chair through the special command microphone. The robot follows the orders perfectly, almost too perfectly, as after it picks up one chair it picks up another, and another. The scientist is upset that his creation is still not complete as it continues to follow its instructions over and over. Seeing that there is room for improvement the scientist orders the robot back to its slab. The scientist then leaves to create an important regulator component that he believes will correct the error.
Later that night, the scientist's business manager breaks into the lab intent on taking the robot and selling it himself. Inspecting the robot's inner workings the greedy business manager then takes the special command microphone and flees the lab. Later when the scientist returns to his lab with the completed regulator he begins to try to install it. Suddenly the robot is ordered to kill the man in the room. The robot obeys the command and strangles his creator to death before he has time to install the device.
With the scientist dead, the business manager enters the room to collect the robot, but suddenly the robot attacks and strangles him to death as well. With both men dead, the robot walks out into the world to fulfill the last order its was given: Kill the man in the room. It goes out to seek men in rooms to kill.
Appearing in "Gambler's Haunt"
Featured Characters:
- Marge Warner (First appearance; dies)
- Hal Warner (First appearance; dies)
- Nick Harris (First appearance; dies) (Ghost, soul or spirit)
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Clerk (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Unidentified Police Department
- Two unnamed police officers
Races and Species:
- Earth-616
- Earth
- United States of America
- Unidentified Deserted Hotel
- Fifty Seven Club
- United States of America
- Earth
Synopsis for "Gambler's Haunt"
Criminal couple, Hal and Marge Warner, stop at a dusty old hotel to stay in before traveling to a club. At the club they find a drunk man throwing money around and everyone ignoring him. The two lure the man out and beat him until Hal accidently goes too far killing him. Taking his money the two run back to the hotel to hide out. While looking over the goods they notice the man's name was Nick Harris by means of his wallet but then they find a matchbook with N.H. on it, then a gun that is gold plated with an N.H. on it. The gun goes off and kills Marge while Hal is holding it. Hal yells that the guy's ghost is made him kill his wife.
A nearby patrol car hears the shots and investigates. There they find just the bodies of Marge and Hal with one officer commenting that it is odd that they should come to this deserted hotel to kill themselves, the same one within the same that a gambler, Nick Harris, was shot to death twenty years prior.
Appearing in "A Fate Worse Than Death"
Featured Characters:
- Matt Jordan (First appearance; dies)
Supporting Characters:
- Llmr (First appearance)
Races and Species:
- Jordan's Space Ship (First appearance; destruction)
Synopsis for "A Fate Worse Than Death"
A space explorer takes a poison capsule after learning a hideous female alien has selected him for her mate upon reaching her maturity day. When she reaches this day, she changes her form to that of an attractive Earth woman just as the regretful man gasps out his last breath.
Appearing in "Only A Beast"
Featured Characters:
- Unnamed Man (Apparent death)
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed Man's Nephew (First appearance; dies)
- Nephew's Wife (First appearance; dies)
- "Beast" (Unnamed Man's Caretaker)
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Doctor (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Only A Beast"
A bed-ridden old man hates those who will inherit his money so he establishes hypnotic control of his dimwitted caretaker. The old man convinces the caretaker that he loves a woman whose husband is mean to her. The caretaker then believes he must kill those who harm the one he loves. He stabs the man, but the woman screams, so he is given the hypnotic command to strange her. This makes him hate the old man since he has made him kill the one he loves. As a result, the caretaker tears the man's throat out like a beast.
Appearing in "My Other Body!"
Featured Characters:
- Unnamed Man
Supporting Characters:
- Lily
- Unnamed Man's Conscience
Other Characters:
- Unidentified Police Department
- Three unnamed police officers
- Unnamed Boy
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "My Other Body!"
A man's conscience convinces him to steal money from a jewelry store for his girlfriend and then to commit suicide out of remorse for the act.
Appearing in "Locked In!"
Featured Characters:
- Jennifer "Jenny" Marlowe (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Mr. Johnson
- Bill Marlowe (First appearance; dies)
- Crandell Family (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Mr. Crandell (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Mrs. Crandell (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Numerous unnamed uncles and aunts (Ghost, soul or spirit)
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Former Wall Street Tycoon
- Unnamed Charleston Society Debutante
- Unnamed Man (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Unnamed Man's Dog (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Shipping Magnate (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Shipping Magnate's Wife (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Two Carmody sisters
- Two unnamed hermits
Races and Species:
- Earth-616
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- Adirondack Mountains
- Wall Street (Mentioned)
- South Carolina
- Charleston (First appearance)
- Arizona
- Phoenix (First appearance)
- California
- New York
- United States of America
- Earth
Synopsis for "Locked In!"
A woman trails after her husband for twenty years because, after they murdered a family, he skipped out on her with the loot. She kills Bill, but then the spirits appear and keep her prisoner in a filthy hovel, just like all those hermits she interviewed for twenty years while searching for her husband.
Publication Notes[]
- This is the final issue of the series.
- "I, the Robot" is reprinted in Weird Wonder Tales #5.
- "A Fate Worse Than Death" is reprinted in Where Monsters Dwell #29.
- "Only A Beast" is reprinted in Monsters on the Prowl #30.
- "My Other Body!" is reprinted in Vault of Evil #17.
- "Locked In!" is reprinted in Vault of Evil #12.
Continuity Notes[]
- The origin of M-11 in "I, The Robot" is partially retconned in Agents of Atlas #6, in that story M-11 was revealed to have been commissioned by the Yellow Claw and his creator wasn't outright killed by M-11 but was a sacrifice that transplanted some of his life essence into the body of the robot.
- M-11 is named and given the "Human Robot" alias in Agents of Atlas #1 while his creator is not named until Agents of Atlas (Vol. 2) #10.