Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Karn (Earth-001) from Vault of Spiders Vol 1 2 Cover
The Master Weaver is the title born by the entity in charge of weaving and maintaining the Web of Life and Destiny. There must always be a Master Weaver at the center of the Great Web, and they can only be freed from their duty by death. While any totemic avatar with spider-powers can become the Master Weaver, Karn was able to do so despite initially not being a spider-totem due to having consumed enough of their essence to act as one. In taking up the position from his alternate older self, Karn himself became a spider-totem, which later resulted in his death at the hands of his siblings. Following Karn's death and the restoration of the Web of Life and Destiny, a totemic avatar calling herself Spider-Zero took up the role of Master Weaver.

Animated Variants


Master Weaver Related
