Marvel Database

Quote1 Beautiful, isn't it? The first time I saw the Battlerealm, I thought it was the most perfect jewel in all creation. But I now realize it's nothing but a cosmic trap... One that neither man nor god can escape. Quote2
The Collector[src]

The Battlerealm is a fractured non-linear realm built with the shards of composite realities.[5][6] Brimming with Neutronium, the Battlerealm was accidentaly created when a Celestial crashed while fleeing the death of its universe.[7] It is the site of the "Contest of Champions," a tournament in which various Summoners fight using squads of Champions made of heroes and villains from throughout the Multiverse.


Marvel Contest of Champions Crashing Celestial

The Battlerealm is born


Fleeing its dying universe, a Celestial escorted through Exo-Space by the Eternals Ikaris and Sersi violently crashed, shattering the fabric of space-time and forging multiple dimensions into a newborn realm. The Celestial's decaying body fused to the core of a planet while its spilling entrails hardened into ISO-crystals, crystalizing the Eternals in the process.[4][7][8] The Chronoserpent claimed the materializing realm as its host to leech from but was somehow imprisoned.[9][10][6]

The First Contests[]

The Battlerealm was populated by a ancient civilization before they were mysteriously driven away.[11] Their successors, a race with strict pacifist principles that evolved in space,[12] were enslaved by the Master to build the arena for his Contest of Champions. Rejecting pacifism in favor of gladiatorial glory, Ægon was instead motivated to fight for his people's freedom by his love, Clio. When the Master tore off Ægon's arm in the final match, Clio sacrificed herself, allowing Ægon to slay his opponent and win the ISO-Belt. Ægon used his new power to free his people from the Battlerealm, staying behind in exile for besmirching their pacifism.[13]

The Contest of Champions was dubbed the Oldest Game[14] and was followed by six other iterations.[15]

The Young Elders[]

Earth-517 from Marvel Contest of Champions 001

The Elders discover the Nexus Realm

Three eons before the seventh Contest of Champions, three Elders, Taneleer Tivan, En Dwi Gast and Carina Tivan, voyaged past the storm between realities into the "Nexus Realm". They tracked the ISO-crystals to the remains of the Celestial when it exploded, crystalizing Carina and casting En Dwi into space. When Taneleer inadvertently shattered his daughter's crystal form, he became the Collector in hope gathering and piecing her back together. Meanwhile, En Dwi became the Grandmaster by mastering the Battlerealm's terrain and physics to rescue himself.[4][7]

Enter the Maestro[]

The Maestro saw the Battlerealm as the opportunity to use conflict to create Infinity Stones from ISO-8.[16] Claiming to seek a Champion worthy of his match, the Maestro deceived the Collector into helping him organize the seventh Contest of Champions, promising in return to grant him the power to revive Carina.[7]

Marvel Contest of Champions Original Twelve

The Collector and the first twelve Champions

The Collector abducted twelve Champions for the first dry run of the Contest, forcing them into submission with the ISO-Spell. Mister Fantastic broke himself and the Fantastic Four out of their control and hastily built an escape device with outside help from the Silver Surfer before catching the Maestro's attention. The device was destroyed by the Maestro, scattering the five heroes across the time and space.[15] Maestro pressed to prematurely begin the first battle, leading to Sentry massacring all but three of his opponents. Although the Maestro ordered the Collector to dispose him, Sentry was instead tasked with retrieving Carina's crystalized heart and disappeared for thirty-five years, presumed dead.[17]

The Collector was tasked to use his invented[13] ISO-crystal prisons to capture more Champions from across the Multiverse. As the Maestro's demands became too excessive, the Collector used his ISO-Sphere to disguise Skrulls as the desired Champions.[18] When Champions fell in battle, the Collector experimented resurrecting them with mixed results.[19] The Champions who failed to meet certain standards were discarded in storage.[20]

At some point, the Maestro forged the shards of multiple dimensions onto the planet he branded Battleworld.[16][21]

Rise of the Summoner[]

Marvel Contest of Champions Act 4 Chapter 4

The Maestro's endgame

The Collector brought the Summoner and Kang the Conqueror to the Battlerealm to compete in the Contest of Champions for his ISO-Sphere. The Summoner prevailed against Kang by collaborating with their Champions instead of commanding them with the ISO-Spell.[22] When the Collector summoned Thanos from his crystal, the Titan proved insusceptible to control and allied with the Summoner to defeat Kang.[23] The Summoner continued to be tested against minor opponents until the Maestro pitted Thanos against them. Despite the motivation to defeat the Summoner and challenge the Maestro's reign, Thanos was overpowered by the Summoner and banished to his crystal. In the meantime, Captain America, Iron Man and Doctor Strange freed Champions from the ISO-Spell.[24]

Leaving the Collector to manage the Contest on his own, the Maestro ordered Yellowjacket to have Adaptoids harvest ISO-8 from the Microrealms into an Infinity Stone.[25] Upon Ant-Man's warning of a sinister plot, the Collector and the Summoner formed a rebellion opposing the Maestro. Knowing of their betrayal, the Maestro retaliated, threatening to use the newborn Genesis Stone against them. Released as a reinforcement, Thanos interrupted the Summoner and Maestro's battle by overpowering Maestro and escaping with the Genesis Stone.[16][26]

The Collector's Reign[]

The Maestro was left to die on Battleworld,[21] leaving the Collector, weakened from Maestro's retaliation, in full control of the Contest. This triggered the Cosmic Civil War between Iron Man's Iron Faction and Captain America (WWII)'s Blue Faction, each of which had conflicting plans for dealing with the Collector and escaping the Battlerealm.[27] As the war intensified, each faction's lieutenant defected with the Summoner to find the reclusive Civil Warrior, who helped put an end to the fighting.[28]

Previously promoted as the Collector's science advisor,[20] M.O.D.O.K. dispersed ISO-infused Terrigen Mist across the Battlerealm that enhanced mutant mutations at the expense of their sanity. A mutant rebellion formed in response, quietly backed by the Summoner. In a failed attempt to hijack the Ghost Orchid, Magneto raided the Collector's Champion Vault, freeing Jean Grey and scattering countless Champion crystals across the Battlerealm.[29][30] Awakened by the ISO-Terrigen, the Phoenix Force within Jean Grey transformed her into Dark Phoenix and purified the atmosphere. After the Summoner's Champions prevented her from causing more destruction, Jean's body underwent a unique ISO-based Terrigenesis that birthed the Evolution Stone in time for Thanos to seize it.[31]

Marvel Contest of Champions Act 5 Chapter 2

The Collector bound!

Concerned by Thanos' advances, Doctor Strange assembled the Sorcerer's Conclave to magically speak with Guillotine, who was kidnapped by the Mad Titan. Although their communication was sabotaged by Karl Mordo under Thanos' influence, Guillotine was able to divulge how Infinity Stones are made.[32] Using this revelation, Doctor Strange manipulated Dormammu into trapping himself in the Battlerealm to create the War Stone from his defeat.[33]

Meanwhile, the Collector was preoccupied with the Grandmaster's return and challenge to his dominion over the Contest— the Elder's War.[14][32] The Grandmaster swiftly outmaneuvered the Collector by siphoning power from the ISO-Sphere and seducing the Battlerealm's residents with promises of liberty. When the Summoner was swayed against him, the Collector was vanquished by their Champions and imprisoned into his own crystal by the Grandmaster.[34]

The Cornerstone[]

Now armed with the full power of the ISO-Sphere, the Grandmaster immediately betrayed his promises by rewriting the Contest's rules to prolong it. In an attempt to organize the Contest, the Grandmaster split every Champion by their elemental Class. Collaborating through a covert network, the Summoner and Champions discovered crystalline fragments that seemed to be the Battlerealm's foundational cornerstone. Reconstructing the cornerstone would drain the ISO-Sphere's energy, preventing the Battlerealm from collapsing under its pressure. This did not go unnoticed by Grandmaster, who permitted the reconstruction only after the Summoner beat his game. It was then revealed that the cornerstone was actually the crystalized body of Carina Tivan, missing only one final piece.[34]

Intimately familiar with their design, the Collector escaped his crystal, coinciding with Sentry's unanticipated return. Although Sentry succeeded in retrieving Carina's heart, the Void overtook his mind in the decades prior and sought revenge. Following the Void's takedown by the Summoner, the Collector secured Carina's final piece.[17] The Collector tried to restore Carina's life with the remainder of his ISO-power but failed.[13]

Infinity War[]

United to combat Thanos,[33] the Illuminati traveled to Dystopian Wakanda for Killmonger's completed Infinity Claw. Using Killmonger's pride against him, Black Panther challenged him to Wakandan combat ritual without the gauntlet, winning and claiming the Infinity Claw for himself. Now armed with a third Infinity Stone, Thanos arrived the following week and engaged Black Panther in a cosmic battle, each wielding their respective gauntlets.[35]

T'Challa (Civil War) (Earth-517) and Thanos (Earth-517) from Marvel Contest of Champions 001

Battle of the Gauntlets

Black Panther eventually overpowered the Titan, trapping him in a nightmare[36] and scattering the Battlerealm's native Infinity Stones in the process, including the Illuminati's two stones. Hela released Thanos and gifted him the Death Stone, which he used to trap the Summoner and their allies into the Death Realm while his Deathless claimed the Infinity Stones unopposed.[37]

Many heroes took refuge in the Astral Plane to escape the Mad Titan's cosmic wrath. With the completed Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos now superseded the Grandmaster, who pleaded for the Contest to continue. Uninterested, Thanos drained the ISO-Sphere and forced the Summoner to his side with mind control. Hela encouraged Thanos to massacre the entire Battlerealm, though Mephisto argued that would immortalize them as martyrs. Plotting against Thanos, Mephisto volunteered to go with the Summoner under the guise of converting the Titan's opposition. In the Astral Plane, the Summoner was freed from Thanos' control and they teamed up with the combined efforts of Mephisto, the Avengers, Doctor Strange and M.O.D.O.K. to kill Thanos.[38][39]

Carina Tivan (Earth-TRN1095) and Ægon (Earth-517) from Marvel Contest of Champions 001


Infinity Aftermath[]

The Infinity War caused the Grandmaster to lose a great deal of power and control.[13] The subsequent power vacuum enabled the rise of the Cabal, a criminal organization secretly lead by Doctor Doom.[40][41] Seeking to restore his authority, the Grandmaster partnered with the Champion to repower the ISO-Sphere with ISO taken from his victims. This threatened Carina's essence that was scattered across the Battlerealm, prompting Ægon to return and subdue the Champion. Now driven to heal rather than fight, Ægon used the power within his ISO-Belt to bring Carina back to life.[13]

With her newfound ability to control ISO-8, Carina's rebirth alarmed those who considered her a progenitor of the Elder's oppression. Carina's reputation was further jeopardized when she accidentally produced a harmful flow of Black ISO-8 while trying to help the Avengers. Carina nonetheless found allies among those who understood her good intentions and the Summoner. Upon amending her mistake, Carina sensed the Battlerealm's instability and the impending threat of the Chronoserpent's return.[9]

Shortly after Carina's revival, an alternate Thanos who succeeded in his mission began exterminating other realities inside the Battlerealm with an army of his counterparts. When Ronin warned of the impending invasion, the Avengers rallied forces from across the Battlerealm's realities to overcome this second Thanos.[39]

Concurrently, the process of reuniting the Fantastic Four began when Night Thrasher seized a beacon from the Cabal that lead him to summoning the Silver Surfer from a wormhole.[15] After finding the Thing, the bright minds of the Illuminati created M.I.C.R.O. with the Surfer's Power Cosmic to rescue the Human Torch[42] and Invisible Woman.[43] Before he could be saved from his quantum prison built by the Cabal, Mister Fantastic reconfigured M.I.C.R.O. to lure Galactus to the Battlerealm. The cosmic being would theoretically collapse the Battlerealm by devouring its core, providing its inhabitants the means to escape.[41] Upon learning from Carina that the core, Battleworld, harbored civilizations, Mister Fantastic began working to amend his mistake.[44]

Brave New Battlerealm[]

The Grandmaster was outplayed by the Summoner with the aid of Carina and her allies. Just as the Collector began to boast, Carina warped him and the Grandmaster away, taking the ISO-Sphere and establishing her council in their place, finally letting the Battlerealm's denizens lead themselves. After the council adjourned, Carina interrogated and threatened the malevolent Chronoserpent.[9][45] Behind the scenes, a group named Ouroboros began recruiting anyone willing to oppose Carina.[46]

Anathi (Kingdom of Wakanda) (Earth-517) from Marvel Realm of Champions Elegy Season 1 1 001

Who killed the Maestro?

Many years elapsed on Battleworld since the Maestro's defeat thanks to its accelerated passage of time. Acting as the Chronoserpent's puppet, the Maestro conquered the divided Houses of Battleworld. The subjugated Barons colluded to secretly assassinate the Maestro with help from all of their alternate reality counterparts, demonstrating to the Chronoserpent that they could succeed the Maestro as tyrants.[6] After the Maestro's death, the Barons joined into the Council of Shawarma to deter the Houses from fighting again. When hostilities persisted, the Watcher's Summoners and Anathi investigated into the Maestro's death under the assumption that identifying the culprit would prevent war.[47][21] Battleworld's time synchronized with the Battlerealm's after the barrier between them was breached by Kali, a Sorcerer Supreme from the Temple of Vishanti.[48]

The ISO-Sphere was taken by Kang the Conqueror and sent to Gwenpool, prompting Carina and the Summoner to investigate its whereabouts. While Gwenpool caused tears in reality by toying with the ISO-Sphere, Kang used her mayhem to quickly dominate the Battlerealm. After securing the ISO-Sphere, the Summoner and Carina turned their focus against Kang, who sent a call for his alternate counterparts to support him. Superior Kang, the sole Kang to appear, effortlessly betrayed the other Kang and outpowered the Summoner, seizing control of the Battlerealm. Using the element of surprise from Carina's abilities and help from the betrayed Kang, the Summoner freed the Battlerealm from Superior Kang's grasp.[49]

Galactus Arrives[]

Following the release of Ikaris and Sersei from the crystal they were trapped in since the Battlerealm's inception, Mister Fantastic deduced from them that the Celestials also wished to keep Galactus out of the Battlerealm.[8] Tragically, time ran out when the Battlerealm was taken by surprise by a horde of Galactus variants.[50] Fortunately, Galan, a humane version of Galactus, proposed the World Seed as a solution to sustainably grow planets for their cosmic hunger.[51]

On Battleworld, the Barons revealed to Anathi that they all played a part in the Maestro's death. When Ancient One elaborated by using his Time Stone to transport Anathi and himself to the Maestro's death,[52] the two were spotted by Glykhan, who abducted Anathi to the Chronoserpent's asteroid for questioning. Anathi received the Infinity Claw from Black Panther and exhausted its power to free herself, fusing her arm to the gauntlet's remnants. An alternate Doctor Strange summoned Galactus to battle the Chronoserpent, forcing the Barons to have the planet evacuated.[6] Although some Battleworlders tried to fend them off, the planet was ultimately ruined.[53]

Mister Fantastic planted the World Seed on Battleworld after it was fully evacuated. By feeding it ISO-8 and energy from Photon, the Worldheart sprouted into a new World Tree, blooming into new worlds[54] and restoring consumed ones.[55]

Meanwhile, Civil Warrior investigated Ouroboros and debriefed his findings to the Summoner and Carina. After defending Avengers Tower from a coordinated attack, their continued investigation exposed Scytalis as an undercover mole seeking to divide the Avengers. Following Scytalis' neutralization, Glykhan, the leader of Ouroboros, publicly revealed himself and his organization by hijacking the comms across the Battlerealm to call Carina's motives into question. When the broadcast was traced, the investigative team were lead into Bahamet's trap where they were publicly broadcasted. Although the Summoner overpowered Bahamet, the Council sought immediate explanation from Carina over the broadcast. Because Carina continuously resisted the Council and continued the investigation, the Council's leaders organized a summit to discuss what to do about Ouroboros and Carina's rogue team. Realizing that the Council was playing into Glykhan's hands by uniting the Battlerealm's leaders in one place, Carina teleported her team to the summit to warn them. As Carina's team rapidly presented all of their information on Ouroboros, Glykhan interrupted by revealing himself and unleashing his disguised Adaptoid army in the summit's crowd. Following Glykhan's defeat, the Chronoserpent spoke through Glykhan to offer the summit's audience its "salvation" before detonating Glykhan's body.[46]



Neutronium from Marvel Contest of Champions 001

Some varieties of the Battlerealm's ISO-8

As the result of a Celestial's accident through Exo-Space, the Battlerealm is an abundant source of Neutronium, most often found in the form of ISO-8, Neutronium's common isotope.[7][21][8] ISO permeates the atmosphere, powering the Battlerealm's residents through its radiation.[43] Fighting can produce more ISO-8 through a process called the churn, which strengthens the fighter while increasing their capacity to produce ISO-8. If the ISO levels hit a tipping point, the Battlerealm will explode into a new Multiverse. Conversely, the Battlerealm would gradually decay into its heat death without conflict.[46]

At the center of the Battlerealm is its core, Battleworld, that formed during the realm's creation. The quantities of Neutronium increases upon nearing the planet's atmosphere and concentrated core of Neutronium. On Battleworld, Neutronium exists with an extra nucleon in its ISO-9 form, which behaves exactly like ISO-8 when it should be unstable, held together by a mysterious force.[21] In the event of Battleworld's destruction, the rest of the Battlerealm would also collapse.[56]

Great disturbances of ISO-8 energy could be refined into new Infinity Stones.[32] The Battlerealm has its own unique set of Infinity Stones consisting of the Genesis, Evolution, War, Nightmare, Chaos and Death Stones. Unlike foreign Infinity Stones that only resonate in the shards of their native dimension,[35][9] these Infinity Stones work anywhere in the Battlerealm[32] and are more powerful than their standard counterparts.[38]

Because Carina Tivan was caught in a blast from the dying Celestial who inadvertently created the Battlerealm, her essence is also tied to the Battlerealm's stability.[13]


The realities in the Battlerealm are divided space-time territories, each with their own Battleworld.[57][6] While some beings like Ægon or Man-Thing can jump across these realities, most are trapped in their own limited space-time pockets.[39][5] New territories are added as the Battlerealm sucks in debris from dying universes.[58][59]

Although the Time Variance Authority identified the Battlerealm itself as a "pocket timeline",[3] it may also contain branching timelines of itself, as evidenced by Superior Kang, who conquered the Battlerealm in a timeline without the Summoner.[49] Chronological brick walls impede time travel before or after the seventh Contest of Champions,[57] which is time-locked to the modern 21st century.[60] Despite this, there are territories that correspond to other periods of time such as the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Copper Ages.[61]


Once entered, the Battlerealm is difficult to traverse and nearly impossible to exit. While the outer space's atmosphere is breathable, the uninitiated traveler could find themselves sent back in time or long distances away in the wrong direction.[4] Even using the artificial portal network created by the Collector and M.O.D.O.K. can prove to be hazardous.[32][62] ISO-Spheres can grant the ability to safely travel through and even exit the Battlerealm.[13]

America Chavez theorized that the Battlerealm automatically spawns countless dimensional counterparts of anyone or anything that comes into it. While this would contradict the Collector's efforts to capture Champions for Maestro,[18] her point was seemingly validated when an alternate malicious versions of herself and Hercules, both newcomers to the Battlerealm, spawned to fight the Summoner.[58]

Communication in and out of the Battlerealm is possible. Dormammu could freely interact with the Battlerealm by possessing Champions, becoming trapped only after materializing himself within it.[33] By modifying M.I.C.R.O., Mister Fantastic broadcasted a signal across the Multiverse, calling variants of Galactus to the Battlerealm.[56]


The Battlerealm's location is inconclusive. Although the Collector referred to it as part of the Multiverse,[17] America Chavez recalled traveling beyond both the Multiverse and the Omniverse to arrive into the Battlerealm, suggesting it was the endpoint of time and space.[58] Chee'ilth theorized the Battlerealm was built right on top of the Below-Place, the lowest point of the Multiverse.[63]

Points of Interest

Quote1 Fixit, everybody always runs into everybody in the Battlerealm. It's somehow simultaneously the biggest and the smallest place in the universe. Quote2
Howard the Duck[src]
Earth-517 from Marvel Contest of Champions 003

Map of the Battlerealm as of April 2022



  • Prior to being given an official reality number, this universe was referred as Earth-TRN517 as a part of our Temporary Reality Numbers classification system.
  • The designation of this reality was revealed in "History of Purgatory (Marvel Contest of Champions)," a video made by Variant Comics in conjunction with Marvel Contest of Champions, which also sponsored the video. Its number comes from the unoffical designation previously assigned to this reality by the Marvel Database, which was used in-game[77] and on the game's social media pages[78][79] as if it was official.
  • While the map of the Battlerealm provided by the April 2022 edition of the "State of the Battlerealm" is official, it should be treated with mild skepticism since there are some discrepancies with what is depicted in Marvel Contest of Champions.
  • Almost none of the Champions are native to the Battlerealm, having been plucked out of multiple other universes to fight in the Contest.

See Also

Links and References


  1. History of Purgatory (Marvel Contest of Champions)
  2. Marvel Contest of Champions
  3. 3.0 3.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Please Detain This Loki Immediately" Mail
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Marvel Contest of Champions; "The Young Elders Tale" Cutscenes
  5. 5.0 5.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Guillotine: Future Prometheus" Event Quest
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Marvel Realm of Champions: Elegy S1E02
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 The Story So Far - Chapter 1: Crash - Marvel Contest of Champions
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Di Immortalis" Event Quest
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 6: Rebirth" Story Quest
  10. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Clash of Champions" Event Quest
  11. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Overture of Evil" Event Quest
  12. Ægon Official Cosplayer Guide
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Brawl in the Battlerealm" Event Quest
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Titanomachy" Event Quest
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Marvel Contest of Champions; "This Man... This Monster!" Event Quest
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 4: Rebellion" Story Quest
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Marvel Contest of Champions; "The Age of the Sentry" Event Quest
  18. 18.0 18.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Battlerealm: Under Siege" Event Quest
  19. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Blood and Venom" Event Quest
  20. 20.0 20.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "M.O.D.O.K., Mo' Problems" Event Quest
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 Marvel Realm of Champions
  22. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 1: The Contest" Story Quest (November 10, 2021 version)
  23. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 2: Escalation" Story Quest (November 10, 2021 version)
  24. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 3: End Game" Story Quest (November 10, 2021 version)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Mystery in the Microrealms" Event Quest
  26. The Story So Far - Chapter 3: Rebellion - Marvel Contest of Champions
  27. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Cosmic Civil War" Event Quests
  28. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Cosmic Civil War: Endgame" Event Quest
  29. 29.0 29.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "X-Men: Terrigenocide" Event Quest
  30. Marvel Contest of Champions; "X-Enforcers" Event Quest
  31. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Terrigenocide: Terminus" Event Quest
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Sorcerer's Conclave" Event Quest
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Dawn of Darkness" Event Quest
  34. 34.0 34.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 5: Elder's War" Story Quest
  35. 35.0 35.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Rise of the Black Panther" Event Quest
  36. Infinity Chaos - Marvel Contest of Champions
  37. 37.0 37.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Infinity Chaos" Event Quest
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Infinity Nightmare" Event Quest
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Avengers Forever" Event Quest
  40. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Rise of the Cabal" Event Quest
  41. 41.0 41.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "When Titans Clash!" Event Quest
  42. 42.0 42.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "The Living Death Who Walks!" Event Quest
  43. 43.0 43.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Imperius Rex!" Event Quest
  44. Marvel Contest of Champions; "The Trial of Reed Richards" Event Quest
  45. The Story So Far - Chapter 8- Rebirth - Marvel Contest of Champions
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 8: The Radiance" Story Quest
  47. Marvel Realm of Champions: Realm on the March
  48. Marvel Contest of Champions; "From Beyond" Event Quest
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Act 7: The Union" Story Quest
  50. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Strange Fates" Event Quest
  51. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Worldheart" Event Quest
  52. Marvel Realm of Champions: Elegy S1E01
  53. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Strike Fear" Event Quest
  54. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Vanishing Point" Event Quest
  55. 55.0 55.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Make It There" Event Quest
  56. 56.0 56.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "When Titans Clash!" Event Quest
  57. 57.0 57.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "X-Men: Savage Future" Event Quest
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 Marvel Contest of Champions; "Starfall" Event Quest
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 Marvel Contest of Champions; "X-Men: Future Shock" Event Quest
  60. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Gwenpool: Agent of C.A.B.L.E." Event Quest
  61. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Time After Time" Event Quest
  62. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Masacre And The Mercs For Money" Event Quest
  63. 63.0 63.1 Marvel Contest of Champions; "As Above, So Below" Event Quest
  64. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Sins of the Father" Event Quest
  65. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Sea of Troubles" Event Quest
  66. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Legacies" Event Quest
  67. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Hotel M.O.D.O.K." Event Quest
  68. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Howard and Hyperion's Holiday Hijinks" Event Quest
  69. Marvel Contest of Champions; "The Rise of X" Event Quest
  70. Marvel Contest of Champions; "X-Communication" Event Quest
  71. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Have You Seen This Dog?" Event Quest
  72. Marvel Contest of Champions; "X-Men: Class Omega" Event Quest
  73. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Safe Haven" Event Quest
  74. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer" Event Quest
  75. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Kings of the Jungle" Event Quest
  76. Marvel Contest of Champions; "Destroyer of Light" Event Quest
  77. In the Marvel Contest of Champions update of October 2019 (v24.3), a Solo Objective named "My Little Symbiote on Earth-TRN517" was given out for players to complete.
  78. Marvel Contest of Champions (December 9, 2019) The Grandmaster wants to remain in line with Earth-TRN517's customs and begin the Trial of Reed Richards. Facebook. Retrieved on July 20, 2023.
  79. MarvelChampions (December 9, 2019) Marvel Contest of Champions on Twitter: "The Grandmaster wants to remain in line with Earth-TRN517's customs and begin the Trial of Reed Richards." Twitter. Retrieved on July 20, 2023.
  80. History of Purgatory (Marvel Contest of Champions)