—Human TorchAs long as any part of me has oxygen -- THE HUMAN TORCH CAN BURN!!
Appearing in "The Eve of Destruction!"
Featured Characters:
- Hydra (Main story and vision)
- ⏴ Baron Wolfgang von Strucker ⏵ (Main story and vision)
- Agent S-1 (First appearance)
- Several unnamed agents (Main story and vision)
Other Characters:
- Axis (Vision or hallucination)
- Nazi Germany (Vision or hallucination)
- ⏴ Franz (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- S.S. (Mentioned)
- Baron Zemo (Heinrich Zemo) (Vision or hallucination)
- Dr. Arnim Zola (Vision or hallucination)
- Adolf Hitler (Vision or hallucination)
- Red Skull (Johann Schmidt) (Vision or hallucination)
- Nazi Germany (Vision or hallucination)
- Alexander the Great (Referenced)
- Julius Caesar (Referenced)
- Napoléon Bonaparte (Referenced)
- Josef Stalin (Vision or hallucination)
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and vision)
- Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Androids
- Earth (Main story and vision)
- Pacific Ocean
- United States of America (Vision or hallucination)
- New York (Vision or hallucination)
- New York City (Vision or hallucination)
- Manhattan (Vision or hallucination)
- Midtown (Vision or hallucination)
- Empire State Building (Vision or hallucination)
- Midtown (Vision or hallucination)
- Manhattan (Vision or hallucination)
- New York City (Vision or hallucination)
- Washington, D.C. (Vision or hallucination)
- White House (Vision or hallucination)
- National Mall (Vision or hallucination)
- Capitol Building (Vision or hallucination)
- New York (Vision or hallucination)
- United Kingdom (Vision or hallucination)
- Moscow, Russia (Referenced)
- Berlin, Germany (Referenced)
- Madripoor (Mentioned)
- Captain America's Uniform and Shield
- Arnim Zola's Robotic Body (Vision or hallucination)
- ⏴ Dragon of Death (Destruction)
- Atlantean Imperial Jet Craft
- U.S.S. Missouri (First appearance)
- U.S.S. Enterprise
Synopsis for "The Eve of Destruction!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Publication Notes[]
- This issue contains a letters page, Marvel Universe. Letters are published from Michael R. Proteau, Jacob Gilbert, and Henry R. Kujawa.