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You seek to weaken my resolve with fear! But know that Dr. Strange understands fear-- and rules it!

Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)

Appearing in "The End -- At Last!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Strange Tales #146

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Synopsis for "The End -- At Last!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Strange Tales #146
Furious of dealing with constant defeat against Doctor Strange, Dormammu begins his most ambitious plot yet: defeating Eternity. Traveling to Eternity's realm, he traps the entity in a mystic barrier before it can awaken. Doctor Strange is then transported from Earth to Eternity's realm to witness Dormammu's moment of triumph. However, Doctor Strange manages to free Eternity.

When Dormammu attempts to fight Eternity, he flies into Eternity's very being and is seemingly destroyed by two planets inside the embodiment of existence crashing together. The resulting chain reaction also apparently destroys Eternity as well, putting Strange in peril as all the mass, stars and planets within the cosmic begin to erupt and explode all over the realm.

Traveling to the Dark Dimension, Strange is met there by the Ancient One, who informs him that with Dormammu gone, Strange has the power to reverse any of Dormammu's spells. Strange then uses his powers to free those banished by Dormammu, including Clea and even Baron Mordo.

Appearing in "The Origin of the Ancient One!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Strange Tales #148

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  • Kaluu (First full appearance) (Main story and flashback)

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Synopsis for "The Origin of the Ancient One!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Strange Tales #148
As the Ancient One begins his tale of his past and his relationship with the mystical being known as Kaluu, Kaluu in his own realm having captured the Book of the Vishanti studies it. Finding nothing useful to him Kaluu banishes it.

Five centuries ago, in the Himalayan land of Kamar-Taj, the Ancient One (whose real name is never given) and Kaluu grew up together and studied magic. They cast a spell of prosperity on their village. Kaluu wanted to use his power to serve his own ego, so he hypnotized the other villagers. They crowned him king and followed him in an attack on a neighboring village. The watchful Ancient One finally spoke out, warning that the prosperity spell would be broken by this hostile act. Kaluu put him in stasis and forced him to witness the battle, the looting, and the enslavement of the other village. The Ancient One's prediction came true, and a plague struck the village. Kaluu fled into another dimension, breaking the stasis spell.

Back in the present, Strange learns that Dormammu's attack on Eternity loosened the boundaries of the multiverse, so Kaluu has escaped. Finishing his tale, the Ancient One warns his disciple to brace himself as he sense that Kaluu is about to attack.

Appearing in "To Dream-- Perchance to Die!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Doctor Strange #170

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Synopsis for "To Dream-- Perchance to Die!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Doctor Strange #170
Strange hears the Ancient One cry out in his sleep and rushes to his chamber. He is in some kind of coma. Hamir, the Ancient One's manservant, heard him say, "Nightmare." An arousal spell fails, so Strange tries to enter his dreaming mind. Before he can complete his preparations, he is pulled forcibly into the Ancient One's nightmare. Hamir drops his disguise--he is really Nightmare, and he follows Strange.

Nightmare's first spell, a set of emerald bands, is broken. His second forces Strange to revert from astral form to physical. His steed attacks, but Strange drives it off with the light of his All-Seeing Eye. Nightmare's third spell brings Hamir forth as a hostage, but the Eye reveals it as an illusion. Frustrated, Nightmare returns to the waking world to kill the Ancient One physically. Strange's cloak restrains him, and he flees to his own dimension.

The Ancient One finally awakens. He confesses that he deliberately set a trap for Nightmare, using himself as bait, so that Strange would defeat him and regain his confidence.

Appearing in "Face-to-Face with the Magic of Baron Mordo!"

Reprint of the 4th story from
Strange Tales #111

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Other Characters:

  • Hamir (Ancient One's Servant) (First appearance) (Unnamed)

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Synopsis for "Face-to-Face with the Magic of Baron Mordo!"

Reprint of the 4th story from
Strange Tales #111
Mordo visits the Ancient One's home in astral form and compels the servant to put a drug in his food. Baron Mordo attempts to wring mystic secrets from him by threatening to let the poison kill him gradually. When Doctor Strange tries to contact the Ancient One and fails, he realizes something is wrong and visits in astral form. Strange and Mordo do battle. In desperation, Strange uses his amulet to transfer energy from himself to the Ancient One, thus weakening himself. He bluffs Mordo by telling him that he can keep Mordo's astral self from reuniting with his physical body. Mordo flees to his body and loses control over the servant. Strange follows and tells Mordo that his plot has failed.

Appearing in "The Cult and the Curse"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Doctor Strange #177

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Synopsis for "The Cult and the Curse"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Doctor Strange #177
The Sons of Satannish have taken Doctor Strange's cloak and amulet, and exiled him and Clea to a hostile dimension. A "protoplasmic shape" captures Clea, who cannot cast spells. Strange pursues it after escaping one himself.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus has the Book of the Vishanti, but it vanishes, as do the cloak and the amulet. He and the Sons of Satannish use the Trance of Transferal, which gives the cultists' powers to Asmodeus. As thanks, he sends them to oblivion. He then takes the form of Doctor Strange.

Back in the alien dimension, Strange frees Clea from the shape. During a brief rest, we find that he cast invisibility on his amulet and transferred much of his power into his cloak, expecting that he would lose the first encounter with the cult. He let the cultists take illusory doubles of both items.

Vines attack them and envelop Strange. He sends his amulet to retrieve his cloak, which he left in a graveyard on Earth. With his full powers, he tries to return to Earth but is prevented by the fact that Asmodeus now has his form. He therefore changes his form, into a bald blue figure, and hastens to the Ancient One's retreat. There he duels with Asmodeus, whose heart fails. Strange removes his mask and finds Doctor Benton, a former colleague. He has arrived a moment too late, though, for Benton has already summoned Ymir and Surtur.

Appearing in "Finally, Shuma-Gorath!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Premiere #10

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Synopsis for "Finally, Shuma-Gorath!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Premiere #10
With Shuma-Gorath using the Ancient One's mind as a portal to Earth's dimension, Dr. Strange is the only force standing in the demon's way. Traveling into the Ancient One's mind, and battling Shuma-Gorath's defenses (including a conjuration of Dormammu from the Ancient One's memories) Strange finally battles his way into Gorath's realm. There, Strange battles the creature, but then realizes that the only way to stop Shuma-Gorath is to kill his own master. Slaying the Ancient One with a mystic bolt, the Ancient One is killed sealing the portal for Shuma-Gorath, and causing the city of Kaa-U to crumble. Grieving over his master's death, the Ancient One appears around him telling Strange that he is now one with the universe, and now Strange will fill his position as Sorcerer Supreme.


  • Cover art: pencils and inks by Brunner, colours by Wein.[1]
  • Includes a pin-up by Frank Brunner

See Also

Links and References

