—VisionShe mourns her innocence, Widow. She mourns the loss of trust in the precepts in which she was raised. She doubts everything she was ever taught. In short, she is growing up.
Appearing in "The Legends and the Lost"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- T'kyll Alabar (Death) (Main story and flashback)
- Magdalene
- Swordsman (Philip Javert)
- The Butcher (Death) (Main story and flashback)
- Lunatic Legion
- Dylon Cir
- Admiral Galen Kor (Apparent death)
- Kona Lor
- Ept-Rass
Other Characters:
Races and Species:
- Kree
- Mephitisoids (Main story and flashback)
- Shi'ar (Main story and flashback)
- Synthezoids
- Humans
- Inhumans
- Human-Olympian Hybrids
- Skrulls (Mentioned)
- Milky Way
- Earth
- United Kingdom
- Scotland
- Outer Hebrides
- Isle of Crail
- Ailsa
- The Raven Tavern
- Outer Hebrides
- Scotland
- Avengers Mansion (Mentioned)
- United Kingdom
- Earth
- Shi'ar Galaxy
- Tryl'sart (Mentioned)
- Unnamed planet (Only in flashback)
- Abbey (Only in flashback)
- Shi'ar-Mephitisoid War (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "The Legends and the Lost"
Deathcry and Alabar sneak into the Scottish village and free the Vision. They learn that it was Galen Kor and his Kree warriors that found the Butcher and re-activated him. Deathcry learns the shocking truth about the legendary Alabar. Alabar dies at the his Mephitisoid enemy's hand and Deathcry responds by destroying this last.
Appearing in "It's Them Again"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Giant bugs
- Nash
Other Characters:
- Dr. Vincent Rossin
- Sandra Descher
- Spencer
Synopsis for "It's Them Again"
- Synopsis not yet written
- Project BIG, which Pym and Foster are working on, is a nod to Bert I. Gordon who directed a number of B-movies centered around giant bugs. A number of Gordon references are laced throughout each of the story's four issues.
- The character Nash is named after musician Graham Nash, and he previously appeared in Avengers Vol 1 93 alongside characters named Crosby and Stills.
See Also
- 2 image(s) from Marvel Double Feature...The Avengers/Giant-Man Vol 1 379
- 2 reprint(s) of Marvel Double Feature...The Avengers/Giant-Man Vol 1 379