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Marvel Database

Yeah...what do you do for an encore?

Appearing in "On the Road (Part 5) - You Can Run...But You Can't Hide"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Several hostages

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "On the Road (Part 5) - You Can Run...But You Can't Hide"

Continued from last issue...

Wolverine is on a street corner trying to make sense of everything that's happened recently. Wondering why he is now a wanted man, he opens a newspaper and sees a picture of the Wolverine impostor in the paper, and he wonders who the person is, since he knows that he's the real Wolverine.

Meanwhile, the Hulk is attacked by the Wolverine imposter, in a room with the hostages. The Hulk dodges the man's claws and kicks him across the room. The man tells Hulk that they've crossed paths before but now that he has claws, he'll make sure that Hulk dies. Hulk easily deduces that he's not the real Wolverine, and he laughs at the man's claws. The man slashes Hulk's chest, and though the cuts instantly heal, Hulk becomes angry and punches him back across the room. The man crashes into a chair, and he throws it at Hulk, who shrugs it off. Hulk follows him into another room, and he pushes a shelf over on Hulk. Hulk breaks a pipe and blasts the hot air from it into the man's face, distracting him long enough for Hulk to get free from under the shelf. He blocks the man's claws with the pipe, but the man breaks down and begins asking himself what he's going to do. Hulk lets the man run away, and deals with the hostages. They exit the building, and Hulk walks into another room where the man lies against a wall, barely conscious. Hulk picks him up and tells him to take it easy, and the man says that he thinks he can trust Hulk. He starts to tell Hulk who he is, but he falls unconscious, and Hulk says that he does know who he is, but he thought the man had been dead.

Appearing in "Children of the Beast (Part 5) - Communion"

Featured Characters:


Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Children of the Beast (Part 5) - Communion"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Neptune's Eye (Part 2) - The Old Man in the Sea"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sandra Rains
  • unnamed old man

Races and Species:


  • Neptune's Eye

Synopsis for "Neptune's Eye (Part 2) - The Old Man in the Sea"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Neutralizing Effects"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Burstyn (First appearance)
  • Fawlkes (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Cronin (First appearance)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Neutralizing Effects"

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • Wraparound cover.

See Also

Links and References

