Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Golden History"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Agents of Atlas #1

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Synopsis for "The Golden History"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Agents of Atlas #1
In the late 1950's, The U.S. Government let FBI Special Agent Jimmy Woo forge a team of unlikely heroes: Together they stormed the fortress of a criminal mastermind to rescue President Eisenhower, and the group disbanded soon after. Now almost 50 years later, an unauthorized S.H.I.E.L.D. mission goes down in flames--and from the ashes arise forces from the GOLDEN AGE OF MARVEL!

Solicit Synopsis

The heroes of the 1950s are back with big plans for the 21st Century! When Federal enforcers under the hand of NORMAN OSBORN burst into an armory under control of the Atlas Foundation, Jimmy Woo's Agents go head-to-head with the new powers that be. How it all goes down will make the playing field of the modern Marvel Universe more volatile than ever! PLUS: A 12-page 1950s flashback to the Agents of Atlas' first savage encounter with the man known as Wolverine!

See Also

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