Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "Fury at the Circle-R!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Moss
  • Mister Durstine

Other Characters:

  • Slim
  • Circle-R Ranch Hands (Unnamed)
  • Apache (Referenced)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Fury at the Circle-R!"

Kid Colt under the name of Smith joins the Circle-R Ranch as a ranch hand after needing some money to continue his wandering lifestyle. At first he's turned away by the ranch's foreman Moss but the ranch's owner Nancy Rand allows him to stay on. Over the course of Kid Colt working for the Circle-R he finds out that Moss is stealing Miss Rand's cattle and tells her about it. During the time Kid is disclosing the information Moss ambushes the Kid and he's forced to disarm Moss and eventually the Rustler, Mister Durstine, who also drops into the fray.

Once the two responsible for the missing cattle are tied up and ready for the authorities and after having recieved his month's wages. Kid Colt sets off to continue his western adventures with the Kid never knowing that Nancy Rand wished he had stayed, but declaring he'd always be welcome at the Circle-R.

Appearing in "The Slacker"

Synopsis for "The Slacker"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Give Me Your Guns!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Gunner Hawkins
  • Yate Brothers

Other Characters:

  • Pecos Sheriff

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Give Me Your Guns!"

Kid Colt finally finds a town that knows of his reputation and still is fine with allowing him to stay to his hearts content, the only caveat is that while in the town of Pecos the Kid is not allowed to wear his guns. One day while the Sheriff who made the deal was away a group of outlaws entered the town and robbed the bank. Seeing no other option the Kid broke into the Sheriff's office and stole back his guns and stopped the outlaws from making off with the town's gold. Although the town was grateful for what he had done, Kid Colt saw that he didn't stick to his word and chose to leave Pecos to make things right.

Appearing in "Secret Weapon!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Andrews
  • King (Andrew's Pet Wolf)


Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Secret Weapon!"

The Gunsmoke Kide walks in on an argument between a prospector named Andrews and a thug named Benton with a tribe of "Piutes" at his side. The Gunsmoke kid is able to ride them off for a time enough for Andrews to explain the situation and to meet Andrews' pet wolf King before the tribe returns and knocks the two men out.

Upon waking up the Gunsmoke Kid finds himself in a tipi of the Piutes and are barring witness to the chief of the tribe attacking one of their own. Andrews explains that Benton has been misleading the tribe into thinking men are animals and that a cougar that attacked and killed some of their men was in actuality that warrior. In reality Benton just wanted that man out of the way. After a small confrontation with Benton who admitted as such King, made his way into the tipi and and the Gunsmoke Kid hatched a plan.

After receiving some gold dust from Andrews the Gunsmoke Kid did some work on King and had Andrews send him out to cause the tribe's horses to flee. After this the tribe turned on Benton and the two prisoners took Benton into custody instead. After far enough away from the tribe the Gunsmoke Kid explained that Benton had them believing people were animals and so the Kid painted the wolves' teeth with the gold dust to make him look like Benton. When the tribe saw that they knew he couldn't be trusted.

Appearing in "The Mark of the Outlaw!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Seth
  • Seth's Father

Other Characters:

  • Seth's Mother (Mentioned)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Mark of the Outlaw!"

After a young kid by the name of Seth attempts to join up with Kid Colt, the Kid puts on a little show in order to make himself look bad and Seth's father look more noble in the eyes of his child. Neither Seth nor his father would realize that Kid Colt was putting on an act in order to keep the kid out of danger and to show him his father as a farmer was just as tough and brave as any gunslinger, but Kid Colt didn't care for recognition and instead continued on his way.

See Also

Links and References

