During Onslaught Reborn, Franklin Richards created a new Pocket Dimension, based on his original one. In this dimension existed a team of Avengers with members similar to their original counterparts; one of the Avengers was Hawkeye, similar to the original Hawkeye of Heroes Reborn. As a point of divergence, this Hawkeye is James Howlett, the mutant usually known as Wolverine in many realities. In the beginning, only Captain America knew who Hawkeye's true identity.[1]
Those of the James Howlett of Earth-616.
Those of the James Howlett of Earth-616.
- In Fantastic Four Vol 5 story arc, the Quiet Man opened a portal to the Onslaught Reborn's Counter-Earth; from that portal came out the Counter-Earth Avengers, but with some difference than the first appearance of these characters in the Onslaught Reborn event, especially this Counter-Earth Hawkeye isn't James Howlett, but Clint Barton.
See Also
- 4 appearance(s) of James Howlett (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- 2 image(s) of James Howlett (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- 2 item(s) used/owned by James Howlett (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)