List of all known subject(s) created by Rob Liefeld.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Rob Liefeld" into "Creators" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Rob Liefeld" into "Creators" field of said article.)
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All items (266)
- Abraham Wilson (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Adam (Gideon) (Earth-616)
- Adam Spectre (Earth-4935)
- Administrator (Watchtower) (Earth-616)
- Advanced Idea Mechanics (Earth-89121)
- Advanced Idea Mechanics (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Agatha Harkness (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Alexander Nathaniel Summers (Earth-19647)
- Ambient-Energy Dampening Actualization Module Unit Zero (Earth-4935)
- Amora (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Amora (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Anthony Stark (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Arcata (Earth-616)
- Arianna Jankos (Earth-616)
- Armored Doom Troopers (Earth-616)
- Avengers (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Avengers (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Awareness (Earth-616)
- Bea Arthur (Vehicle)
- Benjamin Grimm (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Black Dagger (Earth-616)
- Brank (Earth-616)
- Brasilia
- Brock Rumlow (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Broken Blade (Bar)
- Broken Blade (Earth-616)
- Broken Blade's Ship
- Bruce Banner (Earth-89121)
- Bruce Banner (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Brute (Morlock) (Earth-616)
- Burke (Earth-616)
- Caliban (Earth-2055)
- Caligula Station
- Captain X (Earth-19647)
- Caracas
- Cargo (Earth-616)
- Carlos Smith (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Carver (Morlock) (Earth-616)
- Catalyst (Mutant Wars) (Earth-19647)
- Champion's Rocket Cycle
- Charles Xavier (Earth-89121)
- Coal (Earth-616)
- Commander X (Earth-19647)
- Corey Flynn (Earth-616)
- Cougar (Earth-616)
- Courtney Lane
- Cristino
- Crule (Earth-616)
- Earth-2055
- Earth-3010
- Earth-5013
- Earth-10105
- Earth-10521
- Earth-15001
- Earth-19647
- Earth-50011
- Earth-51010
- Earth-89121
- Ebony (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Eel (SURF) (Earth-616)
- Eileen Harsaw (Earth-616)
- Eisenhower Canty (Earth-616)
- Eric Williams (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Externals (Earth-616)
- Eyeball (Earth-616)
- Garbha-Hsien (Earth-616)
- Garrison Kane (Earth-616)
- Gaveedra Seven (Mojoverse)
- General X (Earth-19647)
- George Tarleton (Earth-89121)
- George Tarleton (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- George Washington Bridge (Earth-616)
- Geronimo Crowe (Earth-616)
- Ghost Writer (Earth-9047)
- Gideon (Earth-616)
- Gideon (Earth-811)
- Graymalkin (Space Station)
- Guillaume Courage (Earth-616)
- Hardwire (Robot) (Earth-616)
- Haruo Tsuburaya (Earth-616)
- Heather Tucker (Earth-616)
- Heinrich Zemo (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Henry Gyrich (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Henry Pym (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- High Magistrate of the Omega Confederation (Earth-616)
- Hump (Earth-616)
- Hyde Park (New York)
- Hydra (Earth-89121)
- James Howlett (Earth-19647)
- James Howlett (Earth-89121)
- James Howlett (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- James Olsen (Earth-616)
- James Proudstar (Earth-811)
- Jane Foster (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Johann Shmidt (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- John Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Jon Spectre (Earth-4935)
- Jonathan Storm (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Juliana Worthing (Earth-616)
- Jun Tenta (Earth-616)
- M'koy (Earth-19647)
- Mantis (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Maria Callasantos (Earth-616)
- Master Man (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Masters of Evil (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Michael McCain (Earth-616)
- Miles Ellison (Earth-616)
- Mini Max (Earth-616)
- Mojo V (Mojoverse)
- Mutant Liberation Front (Earth-616)
- Mutate 49 (Earth-616)
- Mutate 8765 (Earth-616)
- Mutate 9212 (Earth-616)
- Mutate 985 (Earth-616)
- Namor McKenzie (Earth-19647)
- Namor McKenzie (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Natalia Romanova (Earth-89121)
- Nathan Summers (Earth-616)
- Nathan Summers (Earth-2055)
- Nathan Summers (Earth-5013)
- Nathan Summers (Earth-8101)
- Nathan Summers (Earth-19647)
- Nathan Summers (Stryfe) (Earth-4935)
- Nathaniel Richards (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Neena Thurman (Earth-616)
- Neena Thurman (Earth-811)
- Neena Thurman (Earth-5014)
- Nicholas Fury (Earth-3010)
- Nicholas Fury (Earth-89121)
- Nicholas Fury (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Nicholas Fury (LMD, Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Nicodemus (Mutant) (Earth-616)
- Nomar (Earth-19647)
- Pantu Hurageb (Earth-616)
- Patricia Walker (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Patricia Walker (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616)
- Paul Cartier (Earth-89121)
- Perry White (Earth-616)
- Pico Halfghanaghan (Earth-616)
- Pigskin (Earth-616)
- Plaza Drive
- Price Street
- Princess Gaia (Earth-616)
- Protector-Bot (Earth-616)