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Marvel Database

Iron Man and Tony Stark are one and the same!


Appearing in ""...There Lives a Green Goliath""

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




Synopsis for ""...There Lives a Green Goliath""

The Mandarin is in the United States and has sent a Hulk android to kidnap Tony Stark and Janice Cord who are once more attempting their merger deal. When the meeting is attacked by the faux Hulk, who kidnaps Janice Tony changes into Iron Man.

Battling the fake Hulk across the city, Iron Man finally destroys the behemoth by knocking him into a generator causing a huge explosion. When the smoke clears, the severely damaged Hulk android's true nature is revealed and Janice is saved. Although the Mandarin had failed in capturing Stark and Cord, he did succeed in something else entirely: Having viewed the entire battle, he has deduced that Iron Man and Tony Stark are one and the same.


  • Some speculation that artist John Romita Sr. added to the cover of this issue.
  • This issue contains a letters page, "Sock It To Shell-Head". Letters are published from Bruce Burke, Philip Girand, Patrick Oldham, John Madden, John Everett, and Bill Williams.

See Also

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