—Morgan StarkThis company is mine, boy! There will be only one Stark standing when this is over!
Appearing in "Going for Broke"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- ⏴ War Machine (Jim Rhodes) ⏵
- ⏴ Kris DeGann
- ⏴ Benjamin Brennan
- ⏴ Chap Walters
- ⏴ Remy Lawford
- ⏴ Meredith McCall
- Stockpile
- ⏴ Morgan Stark ⏵
- A Sentinel MK VI (Cameo)
Other Characters:
- Stark Enterprises (Mentioned)
- Iron Man (Tony Stark) (Mentioned)
- ⏴ Abe Zimmer (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Stark Industries (Mentioned)
- Howard Stark (Mentioned)
- Stark Industries (Mentioned)
- Howard Stark (Mentioned)
- Avengers (Referenced)
- Maria Stark (Referenced)
- Johnny Cash (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Morgan Stark (Mentioned)
- Pamela Anderson (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Edwin Jarvis (Mentioned)
- Meredith McCall (Referenced)
- Frostbite (Dr. Sloan Alden) (Referenced)
Races and Species:
- Present Day
- Ten Years Ago (Referenced)
- Iron Man Armor
- Iron Man Armor Model YT1
- Iron Man Armor Model 1
- Iron Man Armor Model 2
- Several other models
- Eidolon Warwear
Synopsis for "Going for Broke"
- Synopsis not yet written
Publication Notes[]
- This issue contains a letters page, Printed Circuits. Letters are published from Andrew Burke, Angie Saunders, Eric Erdmann, and Tim Gilespie.