—Titanium ManSickening elitist extravagance. Red carpets all sewn from desecrated Soviet flags.
Appearing in "Old Soldiers"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Joan Sheppard (First appearance)
- Theodore Slaght
- Boris Yeltsin
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Vladimir Lenin (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Werner Heisenberg (Mentioned)
- California
- Cal-Poly Technical Institute
- Stark Enterprises,
- Russia
Synopsis for "Old Soldiers"
Prof. Ted Slaght is shown to have Alzheimer's Disease. Tony Stark speaks in Russia and eventually has a run in with Titanium Man.
- Iron Man's Briefcase has not appeared since Iron Man #257. The Iron Man Armor has been stored in a wall in his office/apartment, in Stark Enterprises labratory and at times sent to Tony Stark via remote control.
- This issue contains a letters page, Printed Circuits. Letters are published from Joey Marchese and Stuart Brynien.