Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Oh Lord -- Tony! T-T-Tony -- I'm on fire!

James Rhodes

Appearing in "The Shattered Sky"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Stark Shuttle
  • Stark Enterprises Satellite

Synopsis for "The Shattered Sky"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

A.I.M. plots revenge against Tony Stark, and the consequences just might mean the end of Iron Man! A simple plot becomes a reality when an A.I.M. suicide team hijacks Tony and Rhodey's space shuttle and sabotage the new Space Station Tony was building right after it gets finished! As if that wasn't enough, Iron Man has to escape his own creation, and Iron Man is right behind him! That's right! Rhodey's back in armor! But what happens when Jim suddenly plummets towards the atmosphere and catches fire? Is this the end?


  • This issue contains a letters page "Printed Circuits". It includes Mark's Remarks as well as letters from John Shea, Bill Climer, Michael Hawkins, Patrick A. Tohill.
  • The cover art featuring Rhodes and Stark was reused again for the trade paperback cover of the
Armor Wars Prologue.

See Also

Links and References

