You want some of this?
I'm underage dude. Besides, I'd rather see you hitting those helicopters than the bottle.
It's a goblet Amadeus. And we're not just drinking. We're paying tribute.
Appearing in "Birds of Stymphalis"
Featured Characters:
- Hercules (Main story and flashback)
- Amadeus Cho
- Kirby (Coyote Pup)
Supporting Characters:
- Gabe Jones
- Ares
- Birds of Stymphalis (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- S.H.I.E.L.D. agents
- Callahan
- Prince Iphitus (Mentioned)
- Lycus (Mentioned)
- Wonder Man (Simon Williams)
- Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
- Theseus (Only in flashback)
- Megara (Corpse, skeleton or other remains) (Only in flashback)
- Sakaaran Natives
Races and Species:
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America
- Greece (Only in flashback)
- Thebes (Only in flashback) (1277 B.C.)
- Peloponnese (Only in flashback)
- Arcadia (Only in flashback)
- Lake Stymphalis (Only in flashback)
- Arcadia (Only in flashback)
- Ares Battle Axe
Synopsis for "Birds of Stymphalis"
- Synopsis not yet written
Legacy Numbering[]
- Based on the Marvel Legacy renumbering infographic, this issue corresponds to Incredible Hulk #586.
- This cover is an homage to the 1968 Incredible Hulk Special cover. This issue's cover has the subtle writing "with apologies to Mr. Steranko."