“Everyone, listen! We must be careful here! Remember, just because we need to do this doesn't mean we need to hurt any innocents! The Inhuman Royal Family is our target--not the New Attilan civilians. They must remain unharmed-- and if you can, assure them that this is only temporary.”
Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- New Attilan Security Force
- Queen Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin)
- Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
- X-Men
- Magneto's X-Men
- X-Men
Supporting Characters:
- X-Men
- Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida)
- X-Men
- Iceman (Bobby Drake) (Past)
- Cyclops (Scott Summers) (Past)
- Psylocke (Betsy Braddock)
- Warpath (James Proudstar)
- Archangel (Warren Worthington III)
- Naja
- Eldrac
Other Characters:
- God (Yahweh) (Invoked)
- Inhuman Royal Family
- Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon) (Mentioned)
- Magister Karnak (Mentioned)
- Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin) (Cameo)
- Gorgon (Cameo)
- Reader (Mentioned)
- Royal Inhuman Diplomatic Mission (Mentioned)
- Grid (Dinesh Deol) (Mentioned)
- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) (Mentioned)
- Ennilux (Mentioned)
- Ahura Boltagon (Mentioned)
- Beast (Hank McCoy) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Hell (Invoked)
- The Lattice (Behind the scenes)
- Terrigen Mist (Mentioned)
- Shurayuki
- Cyclops' Visor
- X-Uniforms
- Magneto's Helmet
- Soulsword
- Wolverine's Suit
- M-Pox (Mentioned)
- Terrigen Eater (First appearance) (Unnamed)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• The Inhumans have failed to find a way to stop the deadly effect the Terrigen Cloud has on Mutantkind, so the X-Men have taken matters into their own hands.
• New Attilan is under attack!
• The Inhumans aren’t surrendering their home without a fight, but is there something larger a stake?See Also
Links and References
- Inhumans Vs X-Men Reading Order Guide on How to Love Comics