Appearing in "The Sins of the Father"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Thor (Main story and flashback)
- Sif (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Woden (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Heimdall
Other Characters:
- Odin (Only in flashback)
- Warriors Three (Only in flashback)
- Mephisto
- Malevolence (Mentioned)
- Protege (Mentioned)
- Beyonder (Mentioned)
- Lava Troll (Vision or hallucination)
Races and Species:
- Mutants
- Jovians
- Inhumans
- Mercurians
- Humans
- Asgardians
- Frost Giants
- Demons
- Arcturans
- Remorans (First appearance)
- Asgard
- Mephisto's Realm
- Earth-691
- Remora's Planet (First appearance) (Unnamed)
- Amulet of Agamotto
- Mjolnir replica (Main story and flashback) (Destruction)
- Mjolnir (Main story and flashback)
Synopsis for "The Sins of the Father"
- Synopsis not yet written