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Appearing in "All the Ships at Sea"

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Synopsis for "All the Ships at Sea"

The U.S.S. Jane is in heavy weather in the south Atlantic, waiting for the W.H.A.L.E. to recon a Cobra operation in the islands. On the ferry, Snake-Eyes and Scarlett are being observed by Fred II and three Cobra agents who are tracking Scarlett. Meanwhile, the U.S.S. Jane activates its defenses and destroys three missiles aimed at them, but the last missile hits the ship and causes a fire. Deep Six struggles to keep the hole leeward while Doc and Tripwire rush to put out the fire.

The W.H.A.L.E. discovers an island where Cobra has set up several A.S.P. gunners and a satellite station. Despite being outgunned, Torpedo decides to attack directly, and the W.H.A.L.E. charges the island, blasting several of the A.S.P.s. However, the Cobras launch two Moray hydrofoils onto the sea to intercept the W.H.A.L.E. as it escapes at the rear.

Back on the ferry, the three Cobra agents surround Scarlett, but Snake-Eyes returns with coffee and throws it in one agent's face. Fred II starts shooting from the van, but Snake-Eyes ducks and shoots back, wounding Fred II. One of the agents drags Scarlett below deck, and the third agent points his gun at Snake-Eyes, but has the safety catch on. Snake-Eyes knocks one agent down the stairs, then knocks out the other and rescues Scarlett.

Solicit Synopsis

The Jane and the W.H.A.L.E. are ambushed at sea by Cobra. Meanwhile, Fred II attempts to kidnap Scarlett.

See Also

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