—CenturyTremble, Kree-- ...Century has not forgotten your crimes! For the memory of Simon Williams I spit upon your treachery!
Appearing in "War Crimes"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Avengers
- Skrulls
- Major Hokk Algol (First appearance)
- Quo Modari (First appearance)
- Kree Starstealth
- Major Kalum Lo
- Bo'sun Stug-Bar
- Zamsed (First appearance)
- Recorder RE-404
Other Characters:
- Captain Kkon (First appearance; dies)
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton) (Mentioned)
- War Machine (Jim Rhodes) (Mentioned)
- Rachel Carpenter
- Vault Personnel
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Hodomurians
- Human-Olympian Hybrids
- Inhumans
- Skrulls
- Quo Modari
- Kree
- Rigellian Recorders
- Unrevealed alien races
- United States of America
- California
- Colorado
- The Vault
- Chatwin Falls (First appearance)
Synopsis for "War Crimes"
- Synopsis not yet written