—Mister FantasticThe FF! The Unparalleled! The Monster Mob! We must all work as one! There's no time to argue! Follow my lead!
Appearing in "Worldbreakers"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Monster Mob
- Scrum (Krumson)
- Slapdash
- Numerous unnamed others
- Unparalleled
Other Characters:
- Great and Powerful Oz (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Numerous unnamed Spyricans
Races and Species:
- Spyricans
- Humans
- Alien Gods (Invoked)
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Milky Way
- Kor and Kaylo
- Spyre
- Capital City
- Hightown
- Tower of Over-Site (Destruction)
- Lowtown (Mentioned)
- Freak Alley (Mentioned)
- Hightown
- Capital City
- Kor (Mentioned)
- Kaylo (Mentioned)
- Spyre
- Sol (Vision or hallucination)
- Earth (Vision or hallucination)
- Earth Orbit (Vision or hallucination)
- Van Allen Belts (Vision or hallucination)
- Earth Orbit (Vision or hallucination)
- Earth (Vision or hallucination)
- Kor and Kaylo
- Hell (Invoked)
- Milky Way
- Fantastic Four Uniforms
- Soul Bindings
- Universal Translators (Behind the scenes)
- Vibranium
- Cosmic Rays (Vision or hallucination)
- Great Eye (Destruction)
- Marvel-1 (Vision or hallucination)
Synopsis for "Worldbreakers"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
“Point of Origin” Part 5!
• We weren’t kidding. That big secret that we promised last issue, that really happened. This issue is the fallout.
• Punches will be thrown. Lives will be changed. And Reed Richards is going to drop some scary science on the planet called Spyre.
• You know those sci-fi rules about “prime directives”? The Fantastic Four aren’t playing by those rules. Not this time.