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Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 I am truly sorry for what I must do, my child. It is not the fate you've earned. But I have all creation to safeguard. And precious few assets to employ. Quote2

Appearing in "Enemy of The Stars (Part 1): Fresh Blood"

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Synopsis for "Enemy of The Stars (Part 1): Fresh Blood"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

A new era for EXILES begins here! Legend Chris Claremont (UNCANNY X-MEN) starts a run that will have Exiles fans talking for years to come. And he’s not the only one joining up, as X-Woman PSYLOCKE joins the team as well. What is she doing there? How will the team deal with her arrival? And what new villains plan on destroying every world in existence?!


  • Power Princess decides to return to her home reality, while the rest of the team decides to stay to protect the multiverse.

See Also

Links and References

