It's a fresh start. No one can promise it won't hurt like hell... but I've certainly had enough of my own. This one is yours.
Appearing in "No Pity from your Friends"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Malice (Alice MacAllister) (Origin revealed) (Death and Resurrection) (Name revealed)
Other Characters:
- Mrs. MacAllister (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- God (Yahweh) (Invoked)
- Marauders (Named only)
- Polaris (Lorna Dane) (Named only)
- Wolverine (Logan) (Named only)
- Rogue (Anna Marie LeBeau) (Named only)
- Dazzler (Alison Blaire) (Named only)
- Isca the Unbeaten (Mentioned)
- Jumbo Carnation (Mentioned)
- Majestix Opal Luna Saturnyne
- Rockslide (Santo Vaccarro) (Mentioned)
- Gorgon (Tomi Shishido) (Mentioned)
- Five (Mentioned)
- Pete Wisdom (Named only)
- Coven Akkaba (Named only)
- Reuben Brousseau (Named only)
- Shogo Lee
- Meggan Braddock (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Mutants (Main story and flashback)
- Humans (Only in flashback)
- Human-Otherworlder Hybrids
- Krakoas
- Prime Marvel Universe (Main story and flashback)
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- United Kingdom (Main story and flashback)
- Pacific Ocean
- Krakoa
- Council Chambers
- Pit of Exile (Mentioned)
- Green Lagoon (Mentioned)
- Krakoa
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Otherworld
- Hell (Invoked)
- Hellfire Gala (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "No Pity from your Friends"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
An invisible threat is loose on the island of Krakoa — unseen, unheard, undetectable by any...except Excalibur.