After Jean Grey seemingly perished to save the Mutants of Battlerealm from the ISO-Terrigen Mist, Magneto attacked the Collector's Ship in retaliation, scattering multiple ISO-8 Crystals containing Mutants across the Battlerealm in the process. Taking advantage of the situation to wreak havoc on his brother's Contest, Grandmaster freed Psylocke and the other members of the X-Force from their ISO-8 Crystals and sent them to search for the lost Mutants for him.
While searching for Iceman, Psylocke and her group came into conflict with the X-Men, who were also searching for the lost Mutants. Psylocke tried to convince the X-Men to join the X-Force, but all of them refused to do so, prompting Psylocke to try to destroy them. However, she was ultimately defeated by the Summoner, ally of the X-Men.