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Appearing in "Bounty For a Vampire"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Marshall


Other Characters:

  • Billy Walker (Death) (Only in flashback)
  • Old Man Bridges (Only in flashback)
  • Mayor Sherton (Only in flashback)
  • Greim (Only in flashback) (Death)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Bounty For a Vampire"

A former US Marshall gone bounty hunter, from the town of Kuttnerville is in Transylvania, he walks through the home of Dracula, an abandoned castle and comes across some vampires. He blasts them away with his six shooters. With his attackers downed, he begins chopping their heads off with an axe and thinks back to the events that brought him so far away from home....

He was one of the best Marshall's Kuttnerville ever had, using his gun slinging skills and fast thinking to disarm and incapacitate criminals any way possible. His recollections are interrupted however when he detects a presence in the castle and finds that it is a female vampire. He recalls how before she was turned into a vampire, they were lovers and she was one of the first victims to fall to the vampires that lived in the area. One night they ambushed the two and turned her. When the girl attempts to bite the Marshall, he stakes her through the heart. With the female vampires death, Dracula presents himself to the Marshall and mocks his former profession.

This brings the Marshall back to the moment when he was removed from his position and forced into retirement early by the mayor, and when he refused he was forced out violently. Dracula then makes his attack, but the Marshall hits him with the silver plated butt of his rifle and then blasts him with silver bullets when he attempts to attack in bat form. Dracula attempts to appeal to the mans abiding of the law by telling the man that he is the transgressor for having broken into his home without extradition papers or a warrant for his arrest.

This causes one last recollection when the Marshall was still employed and the newly elected mayor won by fixing the election. When the mayor asked for the Marshall's services, the Marshall shot and killed him and called for a new election. The recollection done, the Marshall lowers his weapon and walks out telling Dracula that he will return with a warrant.

Dracula uses the moment that he Marshall has his back turned to pounce on the intruder, however the Marshall had expected this and turns around and blasts Dracula at point blank range. The Marshall tells the severely injured vampire that he acted within the law as he fired out of self defense. He would go on to collect the bounty on Dracula and buy himself a ranch to live out the rest of his years.

Appearing in "Bloody Mary"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Mike (Only in flashback)
  • Bill (Only in flashback)
  • Jeff (Only in flashback)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Bloody Mary"

Paris, the Present: Mary, a beautiful blond artist sits alone in a bar and reflects upon her many failed relationships. Men who would use her and then discard her, often with cold and insensitive manners, even going so far as insulting her art work.

Things seem to take a turn for the better when she meets a strange foreigner, who is charming and seduces her into taking him back to her place. Unfortunately for poor Mary, the man who is with her is none other than Dracula, king of the vampires. True to his nature, Dracula feeds upon her and turns her into a vampire.

Embracing her new unlife, Mary falls in love with Dracula and revels in the ability to go out and attack and feed upon normal humans. After an evening out together she professes her love to Dracula. However, Dracula rejects her love telling her that he is the embodiment of evil and he can never truly love her back and so leaves her.

Unwilling to deal with rejection once again, Mary simply takes a wooden stake and kills herself by impaling it through her heart.

Appearing in "The Toad"

Featured Characters:

  • Urlik Marsh (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • kids
    • Henry

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "The Toad"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Blood of my Blood"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Giorgia Bathory


  • Baron Hunyadi
  • Stephan Volpa (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Magyar soldiers

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Blood of my Blood"

1471: An army of Magyars have invaded Transylvania and kidnapped a large population of Dracula's surfs. Dracula would go to the aid of his people but would arrive too late to save them all save for a woman named Giorgia Bathory. Following her rescue and witnessing Dracula slay her attackers, Giorgia becomes obsessed with Dracula. When the battle is over, Giorgia approaches Dracula and offers herself up as his slave. Dracula scoffs at her, telling the woman that she already is and boots her aside in contempt. Insulted by this rejection Giorgia vows to get revenge against Dracula.

Determining that the one responsible for the attack was Baron Hunyadi, Dracula pays him a visit and threatens to kill him if he attempts to attack his surfs again. Dracula leaves to return to his castle for the day, unaware that Giorgia has sought audience with Hunyadi and has agreed to sneak into Dracula's castle and slay him with a stake through the heart while he slept.

However, Giorgia's pride gets the better of her and she waits too long. Night falls just as she is about to strike Dracula, and when the vampire king awakens he uses his hypnotic powers to stay her hand. With the woman immobilized, Dracula feeds upon her and kills her. Tossing her body outside the castle, she calls forth his surfs and denounces them, telling them if this is how they would treat their master then he will relinquish them from his rule to survive on their own. With this decree Dracula returns to his castle.

See Also

Links and References

