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Taj is the only thing in these barren wastes on which I can feast! I must save his life to save my own! Be off, you foul fiends of these nether worlds! He belongs-- to me!


Appearing in "Death to a Vampire-Slayer!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Tomb of Dracula #5

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Synopsis for "Death to a Vampire-Slayer!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Tomb of Dracula #5
Dracula drags Taj through the black mirror, protecting him in case his food supply should not be plentiful. They travel to 19th century Transylvania, and the Count stores Taj in a Marble Sarcophagus for later consumption. Drake and Rachel follow, rescue Taj, and arrive at the Van Helsing manor in time to save Rachel's grandfather, but Dracula and his flunky, Lenore, manage to escape back into the mirror.

Appearing in "Eye of the Beholder"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Werewolf by Night #1

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Synopsis for "Eye of the Beholder"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Werewolf by Night #1
Due to the actions of a mutant gorgon named Marlene Blackgar, the Werewolf has been turned into solid stone. However, as the sun rises, he transforms back into flesh and blood (as well as back into Jack Russell).

Buck Cowan finds Jack on the beach, and brings him back to his house. Jack tells Buck that he still possesses the Darkhold. As the two talk, Jack receives a frantic telephone call from Lissa. She arranges to meet up with him at Buck's place. Little does Jack realize that Marlene is forcing Lissa to set Jack up. She wants to regain the dark grimoire for herself.

Marlene, Strug and her invalid father, Miles, find Jack and manage to capture him. Jack succeeds in escaping just as the moon begins to rise. He races away from the Blackgar home, leaving Buck and Lissa still captive.

Turning into the werewolf, he circles back and enters the castle. He engages in a brutal struggle with Strug, and Marlene fires her gun at both of them. Stug takes the fatal hit and falls over dead.

Facing Jack, Marlene removes her sunglasses intent on turning him back into stone. The werewolf lunges out of the way, and Marlene accidentally catches her own reflection in a wall-mounted mirror. Both her father and she are instantly turned to stone.

Buck Cowan takes possession of the "statues" and donates them to the Santa Monica Art Museum.

Appearing in ""The Monster Walks Among Us!""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Frankenstein #5

Featured Characters:


  • Lenore (First appearance; dies)

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  • Silver sword


  • The Monster's Raft
  • Lenore's Raft

Synopsis for ""The Monster Walks Among Us!""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Frankenstein #5
The Frankenstein Monster sails upon a small wooden raft through the countryside of Scandinavia. As he nears a hamlet, he finds a woman tied to a burning raft, left to die. The Monster rescues the woman and brings her to shore. Secreting her away from the villagers, he asks how she came to be in her present condition. The woman, Lenore, tells him that the people of the village are possessed by a black demon and only she is immune to the demon's powers.

The Monster brings Lenore to the cottage of her father, but the aging warrior attacks them in an effort to kill his only child. The Monster lashes out and grapples with the old man, ultimately killing him.

He takes Lenore and retreats into the forests, safe from the attention of the mad villagers. Before long however, he discovers that Lenore had lied to him. The villagers are attempting to destroy her because she is in fact, a werewolf. As the moon rises overhead, Lenore transforms into her werewolf form and the two begin fighting. The Monster manages to find her father's silver-tipped sword and drives it through the creature's chest, destroying her. The Frankenstein Monster leaves the village behind, lonelier than ever.

See Also

Links and References

